4B KJ Lawrence world history timeline

  • Period: 7000 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Mesoamerican/South American

    first complex civilization
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Mesopotamian Civilitation

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Egyptian civilitation

    3 major rivers ( The Nile,Tigris,Euphrates
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 3200 BCE

    Indian civilization

    Indus river valley
  • Period: 2500 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Indus Civilization

    two major cities
  • Period: 1185 BCE to 1868 BCE

    Japanese Civilitation

    Mongol times
  • Period: 1046 BCE to 256 BCE

    Chinese Civilization

    yellow river
  • Period: 610 BCE to 1258 BCE

    Islamic civilization

    2 major cities Mecca&Medina
  • Period: 331 BCE to 330 BCE

    Persian Civilization

  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE


    covers the period of ancient Greek history and Mediterranean history between the death of Alexander the Great
  • Period: 27 BCE to 476 BCE

    Roman civilitation

  • Period: 1283 to 1547

    Russian Civilization

    cone shaped buildings