Jan 1, 1519
Alverez de Pineda
Alverez de Pineda explores the gulf coast of Texas -
Jun 2, 1519
Alverez de Pineda
Alverez de Pineda explores the texas coast -
C.A. 1600 Apaches
the Apaches arive in Texas -
los Adaes
Los Adaes is the first capital of Texas -
The Comanches
The Comanches drive the Spanish from San Saba -
San Antonio
San Antonio becomes the new capital of Texas. -
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Father Miguel Hidalgo issues the Grito de Dolores -
Father Hidalgo
Father Hildalgo was exucuted -
Fredoion Rebellion
The Fredoion Rebellion breaks out -
Convention of 1833
The Convention of 1833 sent Stephen F. Austin to Mexico city. -
General Sam Houston
General Sam houston becomes the president of the republic of Texas. -
The Alamo
The battle of the Alamo ocurrs in Texas and Texas wins independence -
Indianola second hurricane
The Indianolas second hurricane destroys the town which is neever rebuilt. -
Hearne Brazos River
The Hearne Brazos River floods twelve thousand miles of land -
Galvelstons Deadliest Hurricane
Galvelstons Deadliest Hurricane is the deadliest hurricane on record it killed more thansix thousand peaple -
White deer, glaizier Higgins
White deer glazier Higgins had a mile long tonado that racked the panhandle -
Wichita falls worst
Whichita falls worst single tornado in texas strikes -
San Antonio Storm
San Antonio storm drops thirteen to fifthteen inches of snow. -
south centera texas rivers
South centeral texas rivers flood twenty cities