cieri4anthony r

  • Period: to

    texas history

  • first railroad

    first railroad
    in 1852 texas builded there first railroad
  • school fund

    school fund
    a permanant school fund is created in 1854
  • native american resarvations

    native american resarvations
    in 1854 a native american resarvation is built in texas
  • governor

    in 1857 texas has elected hardin r. runnels as thier new govenor of texas
  • new govenor

    new govenor
    sam houton is elected the new govenor of texas
  • cortina war

    cortina war
    the cortina war is taken in brownsville
  • seccession

    texas approves seccession from the united states in 1861
  • captured by union

    captured by union
    galveston island is captured by union troops in 1862
  • a horrible death

    a horrible death
    sam houston dies in 1863
  • recaptured

    the confederate army finally recaptures galveston island after a whole year
  • battle in texas

     battle in texas
    the battle of sabine takes place in texas
  • the civil war is over

    the civil war is over
    robert e lee surrenderes ending the civil war and the union wins the war
  • food piosoning

    food piosoning
    March 4 Jesse Chisholm, famous trailblazer, dies of food poisoning in Oklahoma
  • republican

    1870 January 8 Edmund Davis becomes the first Republican governor of Texas.
  • wichita

    July 12 The Sixth Cavalry engages the Kiowas in the battle of the Little Wichita.
  • death at salt creek

    death at salt creek
    May 18 Satanta, Big Tree, and their warriors massacre seven men from a wagon train at Salt Creek.
  • constitution

    1876 February 15 The Texas Constitution is adopted.
  • a death at galveston

    a death at galveston
    September 27 Former Civil War Gen. Braxton Bragg drops dead as he crosses a street in Galveston.
  • bill longelys death

    bill longelys death
    October 11 Bill Longley, killer of at least 32 people, is hanged at Giddings
  • abandoned.

    May 31 Fort Griffin, headquarters for buffalo skinners in Shackelford County, is abandoned.
  • America's second transcontinental railroad

    America's second transcontinental railroad
    December 15 America's second transcontinental railroad links up at Sierra Blanca in Hudspeth County.
  • "end of Jefferson"

    1882 January 2 Jay Gould predicts the "end of Jefferson" after the town refuses to give his railroad right-of-way.
  • attended by 221

    September 15 The organizational session of the new University of Texas is attended by 221 students.
  • shoot out

    1886 March 21 A shoot-out at Tascosa leaves four dead.
  • Louis Jordan

    1890 January 30 Louis Jordan is born in Fredericksburg. He becomes an All-American football player and the first officer killed in World War I.