Malay Archipelago

By chenwv
  • Period: Apr 12, 1401 to

    Age of Discovery: travelling and mapping

  • Jan 1, 1415

    Protuguese conquers Ceuta

  • Period: Jan 1, 1415 to

    Portuguese Empire

  • Apr 13, 1488

    Cape of Good Hope discovered by Portuguese

  • Period: Apr 12, 1501 to

    Europeans subscirve to Mercantilism theory

    wealth is created by trade
  • Period: Apr 12, 1501 to

    Spice trade dominated by portugal

  • Period: Apr 13, 1501 to


  • Apr 13, 1521

    Portuguese discover Philippines, claims for Spain

  • Period: Apr 12, 1568 to

    80 Year War

  • Apr 13, 1571

    Manila established as Capital Spanish Indies

  • Apr 12, 1580

    King Philip 2 invades Portugal after death of King Sebastian

  • Apr 12, 1581

    Dutch declare independence, not recognised by Portuguese

  • Apr 12, 1581

    King Philip 2 crowned King Philip 1 of Portugal

  • Portuguese start using Hamburg as trading post, cut Dutch off trade

  • EIC given charter by Queen E 1 to create monolopy in goods trading along China-India trade route, such as cotton silk tea opium

  • Period: to

    200+ years of Dutch presence in SEA: established empire

  • Period: to

    Dutch Empire

  • VOC established

  • Period: to

    VOC has sole rights to trade and navigate east of Cape of Good Hope, given legal authority to sign treaties, enlist army and navy, wage defensive wars

    by self-declared dutch
  • Period: to

    Dutch Hegemony

  • Dutch captures Amboina from Portuguese

  • Dutch conquers Jakarta

  • Dutch has Successful 2nd attempt to capture Malacca

  • 80 year war ends, Philip IV recognises Nlands as independent nation

  • Dutch settle near Cape of Good Hope

  • EIC established pepper trading centre, building fort to guard against rival colonial powers

  • Period: to

    invisible hand theory: demands for materials increase

    colonisation of MA important to supply materials
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Britain's navy renowned for superiority

    military superiority a way to receive admiration and respect from European colonies, preventing declining political and economic status
  • Period: to

    British conquer Cape of Good Hope

  • VOC taken over by Dutch govt for corruption/bankruptcy; Nlands established as independent nation

    Indonesian Land continue to be exploited for Dutch gains.
    Deliberate; NEVER cared for SEAns AT ALL.
    Jakarta-based Dutch extend control over parts of Java to ensure steady supply of food supplies and timber to build/repair ships
  • Period: to

    British uses Malaysia for TIN.

  • Dutch clings on to SEA; Belgium goes indie

  • Period: to

    Dutch Cultivation system: everything grown intended for export and govt and economy

  • EIC gradually nationalised, regions under control came under colonial office in London

  • Period: to

    Dutch criticise Cultivation system, Liberal Period starts.

    parts of Indonesia given to private companies but still used for exploiting for profit. helping SEA was NEVER a concern
  • Rudyard Kipling writes White Man's Burden poem

  • Period: to

    Ethical Period: Dutch feels responsible for furthering interest of SEAns with schools etc

  • Portuguese Empire ends, leaves Macau to Chinese rule