Period: Apr 12, 1401 to
Age of Discovery: travelling and mapping
Jan 1, 1415
Protuguese conquers Ceuta
Period: Jan 1, 1415 to
Portuguese Empire
Apr 13, 1488
Cape of Good Hope discovered by Portuguese
Period: Apr 12, 1501 to
Europeans subscirve to Mercantilism theory
wealth is created by trade -
Period: Apr 12, 1501 to
Spice trade dominated by portugal
Period: Apr 13, 1501 to
Apr 13, 1521
Portuguese discover Philippines, claims for Spain
Period: Apr 12, 1568 to
80 Year War
Apr 13, 1571
Manila established as Capital Spanish Indies
Apr 12, 1580
King Philip 2 invades Portugal after death of King Sebastian
Apr 12, 1581
Dutch declare independence, not recognised by Portuguese
Apr 12, 1581
King Philip 2 crowned King Philip 1 of Portugal
Portuguese start using Hamburg as trading post, cut Dutch off trade
EIC given charter by Queen E 1 to create monolopy in goods trading along China-India trade route, such as cotton silk tea opium
Period: to
200+ years of Dutch presence in SEA: established empire
Period: to
Dutch Empire
VOC established
Period: to
VOC has sole rights to trade and navigate east of Cape of Good Hope, given legal authority to sign treaties, enlist army and navy, wage defensive wars
by self-declared dutch -
Period: to
Dutch Hegemony
Dutch captures Amboina from Portuguese
Dutch conquers Jakarta
Dutch has Successful 2nd attempt to capture Malacca
80 year war ends, Philip IV recognises Nlands as independent nation
Dutch settle near Cape of Good Hope
EIC established pepper trading centre, building fort to guard against rival colonial powers
Period: to
invisible hand theory: demands for materials increase
colonisation of MA important to supply materials -
Period: to
Period: to
Britain's navy renowned for superiority
military superiority a way to receive admiration and respect from European colonies, preventing declining political and economic status -
Period: to
British conquer Cape of Good Hope
VOC taken over by Dutch govt for corruption/bankruptcy; Nlands established as independent nation
Indonesian Land continue to be exploited for Dutch gains.
Deliberate; NEVER cared for SEAns AT ALL.
Jakarta-based Dutch extend control over parts of Java to ensure steady supply of food supplies and timber to build/repair ships -
Period: to
British uses Malaysia for TIN.
Dutch clings on to SEA; Belgium goes indie
Period: to
Dutch Cultivation system: everything grown intended for export and govt and economy
EIC gradually nationalised, regions under control came under colonial office in London
Period: to
Dutch criticise Cultivation system, Liberal Period starts.
parts of Indonesia given to private companies but still used for exploiting for profit. helping SEA was NEVER a concern -
Rudyard Kipling writes White Man's Burden poem
Period: to
Ethical Period: Dutch feels responsible for furthering interest of SEAns with schools etc
Portuguese Empire ends, leaves Macau to Chinese rule