Multa vehicula ibant Viam Appiam, et Magister Kless ascendebat in alteram raedam.
many vehicules keep going down the appian road, and mr. kless climbs into another carriage. -
Sed Iacobus Bauer non potest ascendere in raedam alteram
but jack bauer isn't able to climb into another carriage. -
Omnes cives timebant Iacobum.
many citizens were afraid of jack. -
Sedebat prope viam Appiam et videbat viam.
(Jack) he sat down near the appian road and saw the road. -
. “Non possum advenire ad urbem tribus diebus!” exclamat Iacobus.
"you were not able to arive at the city in 3 days!" Exclaimed Bauer. -
Equus poterat currere celeriter, et Iacobus mox est prope Magistrum!
the horse was able to run quickly, and baurer is soon near Kless. -
“Quam molestus tu es!” dicebat Magister Kless.
"how are you so annoying!" says Kless.