AP World History TIMELINE

  • 200

    Spread of Buddhism takes hold.

  • 330

    Founding of Constatinople

  • Period: 400 to

    AP World History TIMELINE

  • 476

    End of Roman Empire

  • 570

    Muhammad is born DIES in 632

  • Apr 8, 650

    Quran completed

  • Apr 8, 656

    Shia Islam begins to surface

  • Apr 8, 711

    Muslim conquest of Spain occurs

  • Apr 8, 726

    Iconoclastic controversy UNTIL 843

  • Apr 8, 751

    Battle of Talas River

  • Apr 8, 1000

    Gunpowder invented in China

  • Apr 8, 1000

    Bantu migration stops

  • Apr 8, 1000

    Swahili civilization grows UNTIL 1500

  • Apr 8, 1000

    Viking colony made in Newfoundland

  • Apr 8, 1095

    Crusades begin !

  • Apr 8, 1099

    Crusaders seize Jerusalem

  • Apr 8, 1142

    Iroquois confederation established

  • Apr 8, 1250

    Kingdom of Zimbabwe UNTIL 1350

  • Apr 8, 1258

    Mongols conquer Baghdad

  • Apr 8, 1266

    Marco Polo chills out in China

  • Apr 8, 1324

    Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca UNTIL 1325

  • Apr 8, 1346

    Black Death in Europe UNTIL 1350

  • Apr 8, 1400

    Aztec Empire begins

  • Apr 8, 1433

    Chinese withdraws its Navy from the Indian Ocean

  • Apr 8, 1453

    Ottoman conquest of Constantinople

  • Apr 8, 1453

    Turks Capture Constatinople

  • Apr 8, 1467

    Civil war in Japan until 1568

  • Apr 8, 1492

    Columbus's makes the his first visit to Americas

  • Apr 8, 1498

    Vasco da Gama makes it to India

  • Apr 8, 1501

    Safavid Empire in Persia begins in 1501 - 1722

  • Apr 8, 1517

    Protestant Reformation begins

  • Apr 8, 1520

    Spanish conquor the Aztecs and Incans UNTIL 1530s

  • Apr 8, 1526

    Mughal Empire grows UNTIL 1707

  • Apr 8, 1529

    Ottoman siege of Vienna

  • Apr 8, 1530

    Portuguese started plantations Brazil 1530s

  • Apr 8, 1543

    Heliocentric view of the universe was published by Copernicus

  • Apr 8, 1550

    Start of : Russian expansion into Siberia

  • British and Dutch East India companies move into Asian trade networks

  • Tokugawa shogunate established in Japan

  • Jamestown, Virginia, in North America

  • French colony in Quebec established

  • Thirty Years' War UNTIL 1648

  • Taj Mahal constructed UNTIL 1648

  • Issac Newton is born

  • Establishment of Dutch settlement in South Africa

  • Peter the Great Westernizes of Russia UNTIL 1725

  • European Enlightenment : Throughout 1700s

  • Pinnacle of plantation/slave system

  • Mughal empire begins to disolve

  • Napoleon's invasion of Egypt

  • Safavid Empire comes to an end

  • Start of : American Revolution

  • Start of: British Industrial Revolution

  • Antislavery moment begins

  • End of : American Revolution

  • US Constitution Convention

  • Start of French Revolution

  • Start of : Haitian Revolution

  • Chinese reject British offer to trade

  • Start of : Napolean in FRANCE

  • End of French Revolution

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • End of : Haitian Revolution

  • End of : Napoleon's rule of France and Europe

  • French invasion of Algeria

  • Start of : First Opium War

  • End of : First Opium War

  • Mexican-American War

  • Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto is published

  • Women's Rights Convention, Senca Falls, New York, USA

  • End of : Mexican-American War

  • Cali' gold rush

  • Railroads begin to spread in Cuba, Chile, & Brazil

  • Peak in African Slave trade

  • Start of : Taiping Uprising in China

  • Commodore Perry arrives in Japan!

  • Start of :US Civil War

  • Emancipation of serfs in Russia

  • End of : Taiping Uprising in China

  • End of : American Civil war

  • Canada, eh?

  • Massacre at Wounded Knee

  • Starts : Boer War in South Africa

  • Colonial conquest of Africa complete

    The conquest started in 1875 thanks to improvements in medicine. This allowed explorers to go deeper into Africa and begin to inhabit it.
  • End of : Boer War in South Africa

  • Maji Maji rebellion in German East Africa 1904-1905

  • Start of: World War I

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
  • End of : World War I

  • Treaty of Versailles, Ends World War I

  • May Fourth Movement in China

  • Great Depression - stock market crash

  • Start of : Stalin in control of USSR

  • Hitlers establishes power in Germany

  • Japan invades China - start of WWII in Asia

  • Start of : World War II

  • Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima + Nagasaki

  • End of: World War II

  • Founding of United Nations

  • World Bank / International Monetary Fund established

  • Cold War begins

  • India and Pakistand become Independent

  • Communist take control of Chinese government

  • Berlin Blockade & the Berlin Air Drop

  • Start of: Korean War

  • End of : Korean War

  • End of : Stalin's power in USSR

  • Cuban Revolution

  • 1960s Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam protests in USA

  • OPEC established

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Vietnam War

  • Six-Day War between Arabs and Israel

  • Student Protests in France

  • Prague Spring/ Soviet Revolution

  • End of : Vietnam War

  • OPEC oil embargo

  • Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

  • Cold War ends

  • 1991 Collapse of the Soviet Union

  • European Union Established

  • World population reaches 6 BILLION

  • 9/11

  • Euro is introduced

  • Iraq War Begins

  • Panama Canal finished in 1914 (started in 1904)

  • Song dynasty China UNTIL 1279

  • Vietnam establishes independence from China

  • First book printed in China

  • Buddhism was suppressed in China

  • Charemagne crowned as "Roman emperor:

  • Toltec Civilization begins to thrive UNTIL 1150

  • Collapse of Maya civilization

  • Yellow Turban Rebellion

  • Christianity as official state religion of the Roman Empire

  • Sui Dynasty; reunification of China UNTIL 618

  • Vladimir, prince of Kiev is converted to Christianity