Operation: Health Reform Implementation

  • Effective immediately, qualifying small businesses can receive a credit of up to 35% until 2014. At that point qualifying businesses can receive a credit up to 50%.

  • President Obama signs health reform bill into law.

    President Obama signs health reform bill into law.
  • Period: to

    Operation: Health Reform Implementation

  • Uninsured Americans with pre-x conditions will be able to obtain coverage in a new national pool.

    Uninsured Americans with pre-x conditions will be able to obtain coverage in a new national pool.
  • Effective 6 months after enactment, young people under age 26, claimed as dependents , can remain covered under their parent's plan.

    Effective 6 months after enactment, young people under age 26, claimed as dependents , can remain covered under their parent's plan.
  • Insurance companies can't drop coverage for individuals when they get sick. Also, no lifetime limits on group plans or annual limits on individual plans can be imposed.

    Insurance companies can't drop coverage for individuals when they get sick.  Also, no lifetime limits on group plans or annual limits on individual plans can be imposed.
  • 80% of every insurance premium dollar collected by insurance companies must go toward medical expenses.

    80% of every insurance premium dollar collected by insurance companies must go toward medical expenses.
  • Sometime this year, Medicare beneficiaries would be eligible for 50% discount on brand name prescriptions in the donut hole.

    Sometime this year, Medicare beneficiaries would be eligible for 50% discount on brand name prescriptions in the donut hole.
  • Tax credits towards insurance premiums and health care costs available to eligible individuals. All Americans required to obtain coverage.

    Tax credits towards insurance premiums and health care costs available to eligible individuals.  All Americans required to obtain coverage.
  • New state based exchanges will offer individuals easy to understand quality low cost standardized health insurance plans.

    New state based exchanges will offer individuals easy to understand quality low cost standardized health insurance plans.
  • Beginning this year, insurance companies can't discriminate or refuse coverage based on an individual's health status or gender. Rates can only vary 3:1 based on age, geographic area, and whether or not you're a smoker.