the missorui compromise
- make missouri a slave state
- make maine a free state
the compromise of 1850
1.california would be admitted as a free state and the slave trade would be astoblised in washington, d.c
2.congress would not pass laws regarding slavery for the rest of the territories won from mexico and congress would pass a stronger law to help slaveholders recapture runaway slaves. -
the kansas nevraska act
a bill when the government tried to get kansas a free state and nebraska a slave state!!! -
the compromise of 1860
the southern states are following south carolina into slavery and away from the union which is in all leading them to grave danger!!! -
the seccesion crisis of 1861
seccesion is a rotten egg, and there triying to get rid of it by poking it but there really just making madders worst. -
journal entry of a confederate solider in 1861
In April, 1863, Lane's Rangers moved to City Point, Virginia, where they were released in exchange for Federal troops captured by the Confederacy.
lane's rangers were realeased in exange for federal troops captured by the confederacy. -
the eastern front
the eastern front were weaker than the western because they had less soldiers,and less schooling and training. -
a journal of a union solider in 1861
On enlisting in the Union Army (1861)
he enlisted in the union army!!! -
new technology
some new technology was rifiles. they helped with accuracy. -
The Western front
the western front was more of an advantage because they had more traning and schooling!! -
th firing on ft. sumter
this battle was the outcome of the seccesion of 1861 -
the battle of bull run
this battle was known to be the outcome of the session of 1860 and the sessesion of 1861 -
battles in the 1860's
the battle of shiloh--western front
the fall of new orleans--eastetrn front
7 days battle--eastern front
antietam--western front