house un-American activities committee formed (HUAC)
the (HUAC) was created in 1938 to investigate alleged dis loyatl and subversive activities on teh part of private citizens, public employes, and those organizations suspected of having communist ties. -
Era of McCarthyism begins
in 1942, shortly after the U.S. entered the WWII McCarthyism was commissioned intothe United States office exempted him from compulsory service. -
united Nation formation
representatives of 26 Nations at war with the axis powers in Wasshing to sign the declation of the untied Nationsendorsing the Atlantic Charter. -
Yalta conference
`the main purpose od this saw the re-establishment of the Nations conquered and destroyed by Germany -
potsdam conference
the major issue at potsdam saw the question of how to handle Germany. At Yalta, the soviets had pressed for heavy postwas reparations from Germany, half of which would go to the Soviet Union -
Truman Doctrine
the Truman Doctrine arose from a speech delivered by President Truman before a joint session of congress -
marshall plan
Marshall offered American Financial aid for a program of Europe econamic recovery. -
berlin airlift
the two blossoming superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, sought to ensure their permonence by negotiating tegotia clamis throughtout the globe. -
North Korean Invasion Of South Korean
the retreat by the illied forces quckly became a rout. -
NATO formation
the expansion of Soviet influnced in Eastern Europe and the threats against Greece and Turkey aroused growing alarm throughout western Europe. -
Rosenbrg executionDavid
the rosenburgs were accused of pursuading ethels brithers, David Greenglass, to prvide them with confidental U.S. millitary information gained from his involvment in the developmant of nuclear weapons. -
armstice signed Ending Korean war
An armstice is a sitation in a war where the warnning parties to stop fighting. -
warsaw pact formation
the sarsaw pact is the name given to an agreement between several communist stares of Europe. -
spotnk 1 launched
the 184-pound sphere only had a diameter of almost two feet but made the united States realize the Soviets were techologically superior. it spawned the massive U.S. effort that culminated in Neil Armstrong. -
first man in space
Yungi Gagrin became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his vostok 1 space craft. newspapers like the huntsville times trumpeted Gagrin accomplishment. -
first american in space
on this date Mercury astronaut Alan B. Sheperd. Jr. blasted off in his freedom 7 capsule atop a mercury-Redstone ROCKET.hIS 5-minute sub-orbital flight made him the first American in space. -
creation of the Berlin wall
Khrushchev renewed the crisisn over Berlin during a meeting with the new American President, John Kennedy, in Vienna. Khushchev again threatend to sign a separate peace tready with East Germany that would end existing 4-poweragteements guaranteeing Western access to West Berlin. Kennedy wanted access to the city at any risk. -
first man on the moon
Buzz Aldrin followed Niel Armstrong into the moon and the two remained on the surface of the moon for 2.5 hours taking pictures, collecting rocks, drilling samples, and placing scientific experiments.