Vietnam War

By chd6328
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas

    President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas
  • Debate on Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Debate on Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • Operation "Rolling Thunder" Deployed

    Operation "Rolling Thunder" Deployed
  • The first conventional battle of the Vietnam war takes place in Ia Drang Valley

    The first conventional battle of the Vietnam war takes place in Ia Drang Valley
  • B-52s Bomb North Vietnam

    B-52s Bomb North Vietnam
  • Operation Cedar Falls Begins

    Operation Cedar Falls Begins
  • Battle for Hue

    Battle for Hue
  • Nixon Begins Secret Bombing of Cambodia

    Nixon Begins Secret Bombing of Cambodia
  • Sihanouk Ousted in Cambodia:

    Sihanouk Ousted in Cambodia:
  • Pentagon Papers Published

    Pentagon Papers Published