Period: to
Finding a suitable place to settle
Exploring parties set off up the James River to find a suitable place to settle in. -
Jamestown was Discovered
Jamestown was discovered/founded by the London Company. There were 3 ships sailed into the Jamestown Harber, they are the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and the Discovery -
Period: to
The Colonists die
Over half of the Colonists died, most from diseaseand starvation and a few from wounds caused by Indians. -
John Smith gets captured
Captain John Smith had gotten captured by Powhatan. He also gets saved by Pocahontas. -
Period: to
John Rolfe plants the first tobacco seeds
In 1610 John Rolfe, husband of Pochahontas, introduces tobacco seeds to the Jamestown Colony. He grows a tobacco that is sweet tasting and in much demand in England. Tobacco becomes the Colony's main cash crop. -
Period: to
Starving Time
Starving Time. From about 300 Colonists were living but then the Starving Time happened and their population went down to about 60 left in Jamestown. -
Pocahontas gets captured
Pocahontas gets captured by the English. Captain Samuel Argall, held Pocahontas hostage in an attempt to secure the release of some English prisoners and ammunitions that her father, Powhatan, held. -
Pocahontas Dies
Pocahontas dies from illness, right when her, her husband, John Rolfe, and her son Thomas set sail to go back to Virginia. -
George Yeardly
George Yeardly took past as the new Govener of Virginia (the Great Charter) -
First Africans in Virginia
The first Africans arrive in Virginia to be slaves to help harvest and take care of the tobacco crops. -
Plymouth is established
The Plymouth colony was established in Massachusetts. -
Indian Attack
Pamunukey Indians attack the English Settlement and killed 347 people. -
The Great Massacre
Openchanough leads a Massacre and kills 347 colonists. That starts a war that lasts for almost a decade. -
King James 1 Dies
King James 1 died and was replaced by his Son