Camillo di Cavour
Camilllo di Cavour was an Italian patriot who sided with Sardinia and the liberals. Cavour wanted Sardinia to lead the way to uniting Italy. He helped stregthen the Sardinian army by helping them produce banks, railroads, factories, and improving trade. He helped Sardinia's political influance by siding with other countries such as France and Great Britian. -
Cavour and France
Cavour knew Austria was a problem in uniting Italy. He made an alliance of France and Sardinia against Austria. Napoleon III of france sided with Sardinia because he wanted to increase French influance, he thought France could dominate parts of Italy if the Austrians were drivin out. Cavour wanted other Italian states to join Sardinia in an alliance against France and Austira. In 1858, French troops drove out Austrians form Lambardy and Venetia. -
War on Austria
In 1859, Austria declared war with Cavour and his troops. Patriots in Tuscany, Modena and Parma overthrew Austrian rulers and asked to be added to the kingdom of Sardinia. Napoleon III signed a truce with Austira. From this, Sardina recived Lombardy, bu Austirans kept Venita. They also recived Tuscany, Parma and Modena. -
Garibaldi and the Thousand
Giuseppe Garibaldi was devoted to Italian freedom and targeted the kingdom of the Two Sicilies. He created an army of 1000 soldiers and together they captured Sicily and seized Naples. He drove out King Francis the second north to the border of Papal States. Cavour feared that Garibaldi would gain to much power and set up a Republic of his own, he then sent troops to stop Garibaldi on his way to capturing Rome and Venita. -
Problems with Unification
Victor Emmanuel was declared king of Italy in 1861. In 1866 Italy gained Venita after a war with austria and in 1870 Rome was unified with Italy. Even though Italy was politically united, people had little experiance in self government. Parts of the country were divided by agricultural differences, the standard of living was low and labor problems grew. Ventures into other countries was also a problem.