History of Atom Timeline

  • 460


    Was a greek philosopher born in abdera. He was an influential pre-Socratic philosopher who formulated an atomic theory for the cosmos in 460 b.c. 370 b.c.
  • J.Dalton

    Was a english chemist,meteorologist,best known for new developments in the atomic theory
  • J.J. Thomson

    Was a British physicist and Nobel laureate,who discovered electrons and isotopes and the invention of mass spectrometer
  • D.Mendeleev

    Was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties of elements yet to be discovered.
  • R.A. Milikan

    Was an American experimental physicist, and Nobel laureate in physics for his measurement of the charge on the electron and for his work on the photoelectric effect.Was known for discovering the electric charge on electron.
  • N.Bohr

    Was a Danish physicist who made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
  • W.Heisenburg

    Was a German theoretical physicist who made foundational contributions to quantum mechanics and is best known for asserting the uncertainty principle of quantum theory.In addition, he made important contributions to nuclear physics, quantum field theory, and particle physics.