First Automatic Door
This is very influential because people could get hurt with swinging doors, and the automatic door seems like it would cause less of a problem http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=763 -
First robot invented
Plasma flat screen tv invented
Everyone loves watching tv why not watch it on a plasma? (: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090926111444AAWSmYz -
First Pony Car [Mustang]
It has been around since 1964, This influencal because its a car, and it help people get place, not only is it just a car but a car many dream of having. http://www.examiner.com/x-6173-Ford-Examiner~y2009m3d27-Ford-to-celebrate-Mustangs-45th-anniversary -
The Laser Printer
if you need something copied then you can have more than just one. http://www.digitaltrends.com/features/ten-most-influential-tech-products/ -
First Cell Phone Invented
This has a big impact on me now, i take my phone everywhere & it really comes in handy when an emergency takes place, or i need something, this is the best invention to be made. (: http://www.cellular.co.za/cellphone_inventor.htm -
First Digital Camera.
This lets you take pictures and keep memories so i find it very influnetial. http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/33452.aspx -
The First Labtop
I feel that if this wasn't made i wouldnt no what to do with myself, i love the computer, and being able to take mine everywhere with me. http://www.laptopsarena.com/who-invented-the-laptop/ -
First Tanning Bed
I like to go tanning, so i feel this reflects me because its something i do. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2115009/a_guide_to_wolff_tanning_beds.html -
The Modem
This is the first internet to be invented, Its just a faster way to communicate with people, and thousands of people use it everyday. http://www.digitaltrends.com/features/ten-most-influential-tech-products/ -
First Smart Board
I dont like the chalk noise on chalk boards so i feel that this being invented was a better and greatter idea, cause you dont hear the chalk anymore, you hear dry erase markers.
http://www.blurtit.com/q194285.html -
First GPS Invented
This inspires me how a little object can tell you how to get anywhere when you want to go there. http://www.gpsreview.net/who-invented-gps/ -
First Mp3 player
I really enjoy listening to music,
http://www.ehow.com/about_4577278_who-invented-ipod.html -
Myspace Invented
I get on myspace everyday of my life, and so do thousands of other people, I feel this is influencal because you basicly get to see what everyone says, and how they are outside of school, or other activites. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081125144227AAGU7ZV -
Facebook Invented
I get on facebook everyday of my life, it gives you the chance to see how people are outside of school, and other activites. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080417081718AAdYhHC -
Ninetendo Wii
I find this one to be one of my tops because, i have a wii, and i feel that its fun, in a new way, it gets you on your feet/moving. instead of sitting down on your butt. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080706083531AApHwLj -
"Up" was invented
This movie shows me a greater outlook on life, In the movies the old man is grumpy and trying to get over a loss of his wife and meets a little boy who inspires him, and i love this movie, and it inspires me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_(2009_film) -
Transcend Goggles
This is really cool, http://www.inventionreaction.com/new-inventions/Transcend-Goggles