Top 20 Technologies

By d4nks95
  • first copy machine

    first copy machine
    The copy machine was first available for public use around this time. I think this was a very influential technology because we use these everyday to duplicate papers that would take a lot longer to have to write out each one.
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    Top 20 Technologies

  • First Video recorder

    First Video recorder
    Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing the first practical videotape recorder (VTR). In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic tape. I think this is a very important piece of technology because we use the tv just about evry day. Without this invention we wouldnt have any of that.
  • First Satellite

    First Satellite
    In 1957; a 184 pound satellite was launched by the Russians. I think this is a break through technology because in todays era we have hundreds of sattelites in space. We are constantly learning from them too.
  • Internet

    The internet was first created in 1965 for government use only, but that was back in the day. Now most people have a computer with internet capabilities. the internet conects people all over the world and has millions of different sites to go to. This is a very impotant technology i think because it is a fantastic way to learn anout things or do prodjects it makes life alot easier.
  • Digital camera

    Digital camera
    These camera allow you to imedietly view your pictuers and also share them with friends or upload them to your computer.
  • Cell Phones

    Cell Phones
    In today's world, most people communicate through the use cell phones. It's hard to believe that fifteen years ago cell phones were a rarity. It wasnt until 1977 that cell phones accually went public. When cell phone first came out they were about the same size and weight of a brick. Cell phones are a huge part of modern society
  • First Laptop computer

    First Laptop computer
    the first portable computers did not look like the book-sized and folding laptops that we are familiar with today, however, they were both portable and lapable, and lead to the development of notebook style laptops. I think this is an important technology because it made it easier to acces your computer and ypu can also do this almost anywere.
  • cordless phone

    cordless phone
    This is when people started using cordless phones. Back then these phone had a lot of static and not very good sound quality. In this picture it doesnt look like a cordless phone but it accually is, that brown thing is were the batteries and all that stuff is. This technology effected society today. It made it way easier to talk on the phone when your are nto wanting to stand by the reciever all the time.
  • Microsoft operating system

    Microsoft operating system
    In 1983 Microsoft announced the development of Windows, a graphical user interface (GUI) for its own operating system, In the picture that is the original Microsoft interface. I think every computer except for mac's use this operating system and i use it almost every day.
  • First DVD

    First DVD
    DVDs are what everybody watches now a days i dont think they even make VHS tapes anymore...
  • Ipod

    On October 23, 2001 Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player the iPod. The iPod was announced a few months after the release of iTunes, a program that converted CDs into compressed digital audio files, and could organizes your digital music collection.
  • Microsoft X Box

    Microsoft X Box
    The Xbox is a sixth generation era video game console produced by Microsoft. This changed the way video games were played by introducing betteer graphics and games.
  • Play Station 3

    Play Station 3
    This new system has some of the best graphics any game system has to offer. Not only is it a game system but it also plays blu ray dvds.
  • Ipod Touch

    Ipod Touch
    This ipod not only plays music but it has wifi capabilities that allow you to acces the internet and other sites like facebook and youtube.