Causes of The Civil War

  • Formation of Republican Party

    Formation of Republican Party
    The founding event of the Republican Party is a matter of some dispute.
  • Wilmot proviso

    Wilmot proviso
    A law stating that slavery is banned in any new state of the U.S.A. North and South both worried about what would happen with California and how the States would balance out. The picture to the left is the descripiton to the Wilmot Proviso Law .
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act created many arguments. It made people from the North capture slaves. This is a picture of a slave running away during the Fusgitive slave act .
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    5 bills passed defusing a four year confrontation between the slave states of the South and the free states of the North. The North liked it because they got the spot in senate and the south couldnt do anything about it.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Toms Cabin was rittin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It made people aware of how bad slaves lives are.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Senitore Douglous drafted a bill to organize the Nebrasska territory this bill became known as the Kansas Nebraska Act. The southern liked the bill. The picture to the left is a picture of the bill.
  • Bleeding Kansas Act

    Bleeding Kansas Act
    There were more proslavery than antislavery. The kansas legislator was filled with proslavery representators. The North and Southended up killing each other so the new state would be a slave state or a non slave state. The picture to the left is a picture of The Bleeding Kansas Act.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    he was a slave and when his owner was living in the North he thought he could sue for his freedom. the picture to the left is a picture of dred scott.
  • Caning of Charles Sumner

    Caning of Charles Sumner
    Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts spoke against the proslavery forces in Kansas. Preston Brooks attacked Sumner. Brooks was cheered for in the South. Northerners were shocked at the violence.
  • Attack on Harpers Ferry

    Attack on Harpers Ferry
    Brown wanted to provoke a slave unprrising . to do this he planned to capture the wepons in the u.s. arsenal at harpers ferry virginia. the picture to the left is the harper ferry.
  • Election of 1860 a 4 way race to ruin

    Election of 1860 a 4 way race to ruin
    the cemocratic convention was held in charlseton south carolina . democratic party began to separate alone sectional lines and it was clear that nothern and souther democrats had diffrent oppinions.
  • Secession

    Northerners considered the secession of the southerner states was unconstitutional. Southerners complained that Northerners intended to use their majority to force the south to abolish slavery.