
4.2 Timeline

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    Duel Federalism

    The idea was brought on by a strict interpretation of the constitution. It treated state and national government equaly. It made it so the national gov could only operate under the powers given to them by the constitution. States had all other rights.
  • McCulloch V. Maryland

    McCulloch V. Maryland
    This was a case dealing with the tax that Maryland had imposed on the banks of the state. James McCulloh was an officer working at a bank who refused to pay the tax. This case eventually reached the supreme court under the judge John Marshall. John Marshall was the Chief Justice during this case. He ended up expanding the national government's power.
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    Doctrine of Nullification

    It gave politions the right to get ride of laws made by the government if they believed that it clashed with the states.
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    Doctrine of Secession

    Gave states the right to seceed from the Union if they had challenged a law and lost. They could either seceed from the Union or agree to follow the law.
  • Reconstruction amendments

    Reconstruction amendments
    Passed after the end of the civil war. (13th, 14th, 15th amendments). They ended slavery, redefined rights, and gave African-Americans the right to vote.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    Passed to regulate the railroad industry. This set a limit on the rates the railroad monopolies could've set.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    This prevented monopolies from taking control of the country.
  • United States v. E.C. Knight Company

    United States v. E.C. Knight Company
    A court case dealing with a combination of sugar refining companies. It was declared not a monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and since it operated locally, it could not be controlled by the national government.
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    Cooperative Federalism

    Cooperative Federalism was a period of time where cooperation between all levels of government were promoted. This form of federalism was targeted at helping poverty during the Great Depression.
  • The New Deal (initiated)

    The New Deal (initiated)
    President Franklin Roosevelt created a plan to deal with the great depression. He created programs to deal with some of the damage.
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    Creative Federalism

    The government set up programs to help society doing things like giving to the poor.
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    The Great Society

    Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson developed The Great Society promgram whiched tried to eliminate poverty and inequality,
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    The reagan years

    Pres. Ronald Reagan wanted to return some rights to states he believed that the state gov. Was more connected and better for the people.
  • Devolution (Contract with America)

    Devolution (Contract with America)
    The idea of returning power to te states was introduced in the 1994 congressional elections when the Contract with America message was developed. This message promissed action within 100 days of taking office. Amoung the main ideas in the contract was devolutuion.