
  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes leader.
  • Japan Attacks at Port Arther

    Japan Attacks at Port Arther
    After continuous dispute over control of Korea and Manchuria, Russia and Japan signed a series of agreements, which Russia broke. This caused Japan to attack. In addition, the news of repeated losses caused a revolt.
  • Bloody Sunday kills hundreds

    Bloody Sunday kills hundreds
    After 1,000 workers and their families marched into St. Petersburg demanding better working conditions, generals ordered the soldiers to fire. This wounded over 1,000 and killed hundreds.
  • Duma meets for the first time

    Duma meets for the first time
    Moderates who wanted to become a constitutional monarchy met. Czar dissolved the Duma after 10 weeks.
  • Russia suffers in WW1

    Russia suffers in WW1
    Russia decides to enter WW1 unknowing that their weak army will suffer so much compared to Germany. They suffered defeat after defeat and after 1 year 4 million soldiers had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoner.

    Women led a city wide strike and started riots over shortages of bread and fuel. At first the soldiers shot them, then later they joined them.
  • Provisional Government Crumbles

    Provisional Government Crumbles
    Armed factory workers stormed the Winter Palace. They took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovski;Germany and Russia

    Treaty of Brest-Litovski;Germany and Russia
    Russia surrendered a large amount of land to Germany and its allies. The Russian people were outraged at the humiliation.
  • Civil War rages on

    Civil War rages on
    Several western nations including the U.S. sent military aid and other forces to help Russia's White Army. They provided little help.
  • Russia creates New Economic Policy (NEP)

    Russia creates New Economic Policy (NEP)
    Russia allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of turning them over to the government. They also let some small factories,buisnesses, and farms operate under private ownership.
  • The USSR is born

    The USSR is born
    The country of Russia was renamed The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Named in honor of the councils that helped launch the Bolshevik Revolution.