
3rd Semester

By v3r0
  • Break-fast get together

    Break-fast get together
    We hanged out at a local restaurant, we had a delicious breakfast and walked around for a while.
  • Day of the World Wide Missions

    Day of the World Wide Missions
    This day we celebrated that our misionaries help spread the word of God all over the world, we started with a rosary and then we had to listen to testimonies and work together, we also played and participated on fun dinamics.
  • Day of the Death

    Day of the Death
    This year we helped out placing the decorations, it was a good social activity that helped us get closer.
  • Visit to the Hostel of Fray Pedro Alcalde

    Visit to the Hostel of Fray Pedro Alcalde
    We prepared a Posada and a sweater give away for those in need, we brought food and had a great time!
  • Christmas Celebration

    Christmas Celebration
    This was when we danced and had fun alongside our friends during the Posada.
  • Visit to the Metropolitan Park

    Visit to the Metropolitan Park
    This day we got together to share the afternoon playing soccer and voleyball, we had a fun time and ate dessert.