Apr 17, 1418
Prince Henry starts a navigation school
Henry started the first school of navigation. Students were trained in navigation, map making and science -
Apr 17, 1488
Bartolomeu Dias rounds the southern tip of Africa
Was the first known European to do it. he did it in hope of finding a route to India -
Apr 17, 1492
Columbus sails to America
Columbus sailed West hoping to reach Asia. What he thought was Asia was actually America http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/columbus.htm -
Apr 17, 1494
Spain and Portugal sign the Treaty of Torsedillas
Was made in order to end the dispute between who had claim to the newly discovered lands. A line was made to divide the land between Spain and Portugal -
Apr 17, 1498
Vasco De Gama reaches the port of Calicut
De Gama reached Calicut in 1498. He was treated with traditional hospitality -
Apr 17, 1521
Cortez conquers Aztecs
Cortez fought the Aztecs back and fourth for two years.Finally the Aztec capital fell on August 13 1521 http://www.thenagain.info/webchron/americas/cortes.cp.html -
Apr 17, 1543
Copernicus presents the Heliocentric Theory
Copernicys presented this theory in 1543. Few people believed thist theory until the 1700's -
English settle Jamestown
A group of 104 Englishmen began a settlement on Jamestown. 13 years before the Pilgrims arrived http://www.historyisfun.org/jamestown-settlement.htm -
Louis XIV begins reign
After Cardinal Mazarin died, Louis took control of the government. His reign lasted for 72 years -
Peter The Great begins his reign
Peter took reign after his half brother died. He traveled Europe bringing new ideas to Russia http://www.rmg.co.uk/explore/sea-and-ships/facts/explorers-and-leaders/peter-the-great -
Glorious revolution begins in England
The glorious revolution was the overthrow of King James II. William III and Mary 11 took the throne -
French Revolution begins
A period of political upheaval that saw republic formed and luis executed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution -
King Louis tries to escape
Louis tried to escape from the revolution. He was recognized and brought back to Paris -
Napoleon begins his reign
Napoleon's reign saw one of the greates miltary generals ever collapse in just a few years. Naoplean could only be defeated by on man. Himself -
Napolean conquers most of Europe
For more than 20 years Napolean was conquering Europe. He had one of the greates militaries of all time http://www.worldology.com/Europe/napoleonic_wars.htm