3D Printing-Kemari Kelly

  • Definition of 3D printing/ When was it created and by who

    the action or process of making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many thin layers of a material in succession. 3D printing was created by Charles W. Hull in the mid- 1980s
  • Invention

    Charles Hull inventes the first sterolithography appartatus (SLA) machine
  • The first known Artist works with 3D-Printing Technologies

    Masaki Fukihata uses sterollithography to create his computer-generated work
  • Helisys creates laminated object manufacturing (LOM)

    (LOM) prints in 3D by using paper that is unrolled and glued layer by layer
  • First worldwide computer sculpture exhibition

    Ars Mathematica based in france organizes the first exhibiton devoted to computer sculpture at the Ecole polytechnique in paris