3C.Good Cold War

By goodzvj
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    The Baltic States-Estonia, Lativia, and Lithuania- which the Soviet Union had seized, regained full independence in 1991.
  • NATO

    The United States, Canada, amd ten other countries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    The Soviet Union has also developed nuclear power.
  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    The triumph of the Communists in China had seemed like a gain for the Soviet Union and a loss for the United States and its democratic allies.
  • Communist Cuba

    Communist Cuba
    Fidel Castro organized an armed rebellion against the corrupt dictator who then ruled Cuba.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union responded by forming its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    A massive exodus of low-paid East Germans, unhappy with communism. fled into West Berlin. To stop the flight, East Germany built a wall.
  • Missle Crisis

    Missle Crisis
    The Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba. President Kennedy responded by imposing a naval blockade that prevented further Soviets shipments.
  • Vietnam Conflict

    Vietnam Conflict
    South Vietnamese commanders conducted raids on North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Eastern European Independence

    Eastern European Independence
    Czechoslovakia's defiance of Soviet control led to a Soviet invasion, Hungary quietly introduced modest economic reforms.
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    Soviets in Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union became involved in a long war in Afghanistan, an Islamic country just south of the Soviet Union.
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    After decades of dictatorship and military rule, a prosperous middle class and fierce student protest pushed the government to hold direct elections.
  • Eastern European Independence

    Eastern European Independence
    The communist government allowed greater freedoms. New political parites were allowed to form, and the western border with Austria was opend.
  • Detente

    The two sides signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.