
  • Period: to

    Deficite Spending (Louis XIV- Louis XVI)

  • The King Calls The Estate-General 2

    They went to Versailles to solve financial problems and to insist reform. They met in May 1789. The First and Second Estate kept outvoting the Third Estate so the Third Estate called for a head count vote. But they didnt get that either.In June 1789, claiming to represent the people of France, the Third Estate named themselves as the National Assembly. When they went to meet again, they found their meeting hall locked and guarded.
  • The King Calls the Estate-General.

    France was almost bankrupt and the Nobles were afraid of being taxed so they were denouncing royal tyranny. King Louis XIV called to meet the Estates General to meet at Versailles. Before meeting, he had each estate make caheirs which listed their problems. Most of them called for fairer taxes, freedom of pree, and regular meetings of the Estates Genereal. Delegates from the Third Estate were elected. They were mostly lawyers who were familiar with the writings of Voltaire and Rosseau.
  • National Assembly

    After The National Assembly found their meeting hall locked, they took the tennis Court Oath. They swore "never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution." The Clergy and nobles joined. Louis XIV accepted the National Assembly but rumors spread saying he's going to try and dissolve it.
  • Storming The Bastile

    Paris took the spotlight from the National Assembly meeting in Versailles. Rumors that royal troops were going to occupy the the Capital. 800 Parisians came together outside the Bastile (a symbol representing years of abuse) and demanded gunpowder and weapons. The commander said no and opened fire which led to a riot. They broke through the defense and killed the commander and guards, released prisoners, but found no weapons.
  • Radicals Take Over

    European rulers increased border patrols to stop the spread of the "French Plague". People feared th estories that were told by the Emigres (clergy) saying that there were attacks on religion, property, privileges and their lives. Enlightened rulers turned on France. Edmund Burke who defended the Revolution earlier now condemned it. He also predicted the revolts would be worse.
  • Radicals Take Over 2

    The King of Prussia and the Emperor of Austria issued the Declaration of Pilnitz which stated that both monarchs would attack to protect the French Monarchy.
  • Radicals Take Over

    The newly elected National Assembly took office. It survived for less than a year because there were too many problems for them to handle. The currency dropped causing prices to become high. There was a new government which was the Republic. That meant there was no king so the king was on notice. There was also two groups called the Jacobins and the Sans-culottes. They fought for control of the government. The French declared war on tyranny in April 1792 which lasted from 1792 to 1815.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    Parsians stormed the royal palace of the Tuileries and killed the king's guards. The royal family went to the Legislative Assembly and escaped before the Parisians arrived. A month later the armed citizens attacked the prisons. Over 1000 prisoners were killed . Rdicals then took control of the Assembly. They called for a new Legislative body and called it the National Convention. Now all the male citizens could vote, not just the property owners. The Convention met in September 1792.
  • Monarchy is Abolished 2

    They voted to abolish monarchy and to establish a new republic called the French Republic.The deputies wrote a new constitution for France while the Jacobins, who controlled the Convention, tried to erase all evidence of the old order. They started to take land from nobles and they took away titles of nobility. The Republic put Louis XIV on trial for being a traitor and later on convicted and executed along with his wife.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    France was at war with many countries like Britain, the Netherlands, Spain and Prussia. In France, royalists and priests led peasants to rebel against the government . The sans-culottes in Paris demanded they get a break from food shortages and inflation. The Convention was divided by the Jacobins and their rival group the Girondins. The Convention created a new committee called the Committee of of Public to deal with the threats that France was getting. It had almost absolute power.
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror 2

    The committee prepared France for war and taxes. It was also in charge of executions and trials. French recruits left to defend the republic. The armies over ran the Netherlands, invaded Italy and diminished peasant revolts. Back home, Robespierre was in charge of the government. He quickly rose to the leadership of the Committee of Public Safety. He dedicated himself to the revolution so he got the nick name "The Incorruptable."
  • Robespierre and the Reign of Terror 3

    The Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 to July 1794. Robespierre spoke to the people on why the terror was necessary. Anyone who resisted the revolution were suspects. Over 17,000 people were executed during this time. The Guillotine was the "engine" of terror. It was a blade that fell and cut off the head instantly. People were in fear of their lives so Robespierre was arrested and excuted.
  • Third Stage of the Revolution

  • Third Stage of the Revolution

    he revolution entered a third stage and the moderates produced another constitution which was the third since 1795. It set up a five man directory and a two house legislature elected by male citizens of property. During this stage of the constitution, the middle class people along with the professional people were the people in charge. The directory held power from 1795-1799. Peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but there was war with Austria and Great Britain.
  • The Third Stage of the Revolution 2

    When bread prices rose, the directory would suppress the citizens. In the election of of 1797, people who supported constitutional monarchy won most of the seats in the legislature. Politicians tuned to Napoleon Bonaparte. They wanted to use him for their own goals but before that happened, Napoleon outwitted them to become ruler of France.
  • Spread of Nationalism 2

    There were many songs and dances with themes of the revolution that became popular. Revolutionaries pushed for social reforms and religious tolerance. They set up state schools to replace religious ones and set up organized systems to help the poor.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    By 1799, the French Revolution had changed France. It removed he old social order, overthrown the monarchy and brought the church under state control. There were new symbols such as the red “liberty caps” and the tricolor confirmed the liberty and equality of men. Citizen was now the name for people in all social classes. Nationalism was now spreading. The French people were now celebrating with festivals that celebrated the nation and the revolution.