The Life of Hannibal

  • 203

    In 203 bc Hannbal was recalled from Italy br war party at Carthage

    In 203 bc Hannbal was recalled from Italy br war party at Carthage
  • 212

    In 212 bc Hannibal captured Tarentum but he failed to obtaun control of the Harbor

    In 212 bc Hannibal captured Tarentum but he failed to obtaun control of the Harbor
  • 217

    spring 217

    spring 217
    In the Spring of 217 BC, Hannibal decided to find a more reliable base of operations farther south.
  • Hannibal death

    Hannibal death
    Hannibal death was unkown the report on his death was either (183-181)
  • hannibal became Commder

    hannibal became Commder
    Hannibal became Carthginain Commander in Iberia in 229 bc
  • The spring of 218 bc he was easily fought his way through the northern tribes to the pyrenees

    The spring of 218 bc he was easily fought his way through the northern tribes to the pyrenees