Emily's Timeline

  • Emily Has Arrived

    Emily Has Arrived
    I am here world, and I am really mad!!!
  • Emily's 1st Birthday

    Emily's 1st Birthday
    Some babies don't like their cake but I sure did! Did someone say bath time?
  • Emily's First Easter Egg Hunt

    Emily's First Easter Egg Hunt
    Let me get this right... I pick up eggs filled with candy and put them in my basket? Can I stop to eat the goodies or will my brother get all the eggs if I do?
  • Emily's 2nd Birthday

    Emily's 2nd Birthday
    Wow, I am two already. I am getting bigger and bigger.
  • Emily's 3rd Birthday

    Emily's 3rd Birthday
    Celebrating my 3rd Birthday at my fabulous pre-school. Boy do I look like a goof ball in this hat or what?
  • New Puppy

    New Puppy
    Meet my new puppy Bailey. He sleeps with me almost every night. I am his favorite but don't tell anyone in my family that.
  • Emily's 4th Birthday

    Emily's 4th Birthday
    Opening presents is my favorite part. I also love spending time with my family and friends.
  • Emily's 5th Birthday

    Emily's 5th Birthday
    I love getting my face painted.
  • Kindergarten Pow Wow

    Kindergarten Pow Wow
    Have you ever had a pow wow? I have and it was so much fun. My favorite part was when we went in the tepee.
  • Emily's 6th Birthday

    Emily's 6th Birthday
    Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me. 1, 2, 3 woosh there goes six candles.
  • Ouch - That Hurt

    Ouch - That Hurt
    I accidently touched a hot stove and burned four of my fingers. That really hurt and I couldn't go swimming with that hand.
  • Emily's 7th Birthday

    Emily's 7th Birthday
    So much fun celebrating with family and friends.
  • Favorite Vacation

    Favorite Vacation
    Fabulous vacation in Orlando, Florida. Sea World was a blast, but I sure loved the Nick Hotel.
  • Emily's 8th Birthday

    Emily's 8th Birthday
    What a fun day of shopping!!! For my 8th Birthday, I had $148.00 of Birthday Cash and I shopped until I dropped.
  • My Cousin Anna is Here

    My Cousin Anna is Here
    On November 17th my first "girl" cousin was born. I am so excited that she is here and can't wait to teach that girl how to shop.