genetically modified food timeline

  • cross-fertilisation in corn discovered

    cross-fertilisation in corn discovered
  • First biotechnology patent granted

    First biotechnology patent granted:US researchers awarded a US patent that allows them to make human insulin from genetically modified bacteria
  • Steven Lindow tests genetically engineered bacteria

    Steven Lindow tests genetically engineered bacteria
    Researcher Steven Lindow requests US Government permission to test genetically engineered bacteria to control frost damage in potatoes and strawberries
  • Approval of first genetically modified crop

    Approval of first genetically modified crop
    The US Environment Protection Authority approves the release of the first genetically-modified crop - a GM virus resistant tobacco plant.
  • First GM dairy cow for production of human milk for infants

    First GM dairy cow for production of human milk for infants
    The first successful field trial of GM herbicide tolerant cotton is conducted in the USA. The first food products modified by biotechnology,an enzyme for cheese production and yeast for baking,are approved in the USA and UK,respectively,GenPharm International creates the first GM dairy cow for production of human milk proteins for infant formula.
  • First GM product to receive US approval.

    First GM product to receive US approval.
    The first genetically engineered food product,the FlavrSavr tomato,receives US Food and Drug Administration approval.
  • first cat cloned

    first cat cloned
    The human genome is sequenced in draft form and announced jointly by the private company Celera Genomics and a public consortium comprising the US National Institute of Health,Sanger Institute UK and other international research teams.-A single gene from Arabidopsis is inserted into tomato plants to create the first crop able to grow in salty water and soil.-First cat cloned,called 'carboon copy' or CC for short.
  • First crop plant to have genome decoded

    First crop plant to have genome decoded
    Researchers sequence the DNA of rice,the main food source for two-thirds of the world's population.It is the first crop plant to have it's genome decoded.
  • Gene mapping used to find the "tender" gene in beef

    Gene mapping used to find the "tender" gene in beef
    In Australia,despite regulatory approval for GM canola,most state governments place oratoria on growing GM canola in response to consumer concerns.
    -Australian researchers use gene mapping toechniques to identify genes for tenderness and toughness in beef,allowing breeders to select stocks containing th "tender" gene.
  • United States Food and Drug Administration decide GM foods are safe

    United States Food and Drug Administration conclude that food products derived from cloned animals or their offspring are as safe to eat as that from non-cloned animals.
    -An Australian report states that GM crops can be safely grown and marketed alongside conventional crops.
    -Mold-resistant tomatoes developed in the Netherlands
    -Scottish researchers genetically modify chickens to lay eggs capable of producing drugs that fight cancer and other life-threatening.
  • GM food protest

    GM food protest
    People will protest against GM foods and will try to make food more organic.but population will be increasing.
  • Most food GM

    most food is genetically modified.hard to find organic food.