Cross fertilization discovered
This is important because soon enough more foods are going to be crossed fertilized and original foods are going to become lesser. When this happens, the nutrition of the food might disappear as they cross fertilize more foods. -
Scientist discovered how to isolate pure DNA
This is important because if scientist know how to isolate oure DNA, they can keep it for a long time and maybe make a clone from that DNA in the future. If scientists find out how to clone humans, the population of humans to clones in the year 3000 might be at least 2 to 3. -
Scientists found out how to make a clone by using its DNA
Scientist found a way to genetically modify something from just a DNA. This is important because genetically modified foods might increase later on, and it might not be healthy for humans. -
Genetically engineered food product received approval from the FDA in US
If US, a leading country, allows genetically modified foods, then its following countries will probably do too, soon. More genetically modified foods are being made because of this. -
Researchers clone a sheep by using a cell from an adult ewe
if animals are now being clone, imagine what it would look like in the future when there is more advanced technology. Using advanced technologies scientist will soon find a way to clone more than one animal. -
Japan cloned 8 indentical calves
Scientist are discovering more productive ways to genetically modify animals. Soon enough there will be more clone animals, and if scientist become successful at it they will probably sell cloned animals in stores. -
GM cottons are approved of commercial release in Autrailia
More GM foods are being approved aroung the world; meaning that more unhealthy foods are spreading around the world. -
The cloned sheep, Dolly, suffered from a progressive lung desease.
Because of this, there will more likely chance that cloned animals may not be as good for humans as real animals are. Cloning animals may be stopped. -
GM crops are approved in Germany
GM foods are spreading around the world even more. Soon, most of the things that we are eating might be GM. -
We are getting to our third generation of GM
More geneticallly modified food are going to be made and more clone things are going to be made also. genetically modified things are increasing everywhere. -
Cloned human made.
Humans are becoming even more advanced. Soon, cloned humans will increase gradually that it outnumbered real humans. -
Cloned humans increased and learned.
Cloned humans are being taught how to do what a human would do on a regular day.