Francesco Redi learns why maggots appear on rotting meat
This event is important because this helped people realized that maggots did not appear out of thin air as many people had expected. Many people changed the way they kept their food and covered it up. It kept food from rotting and kept people from getting sick. This was one of the first known controlled experiment. -
Louis Pateur invents the process of pasteurization
This event is significant because many children were dying of bacteria in their milk. Today, people are able to drink milk that tastes great, but is yet safe and takes longer to spoil. -
Ernst Hoppe-Seyler discovers invertase, and enzyme that cuts the disaccharide
This event is significant because it is still widely used in sweetners. Sweetners are used in many snacks today and are in many parts of our culture. -
Scientists create a reconbinant organism
This event is signinificant, because this method became widely used in things such as cloning. -
US Environment Protection Authority allows the release of the first genetically modified crop
This event was significant because it was the first Genetically modified food and was the first step into making more of ginetically modified food. More and more of these types of products came in later. -
First genetically engineered food product recieves approval from US FDA
This event is significant because it is the first product to recieve approval and makes other companies follow the same suit. -
Researchers at Scotland's Roslin Institute clone the first sheep named Dolly
This event is significant because it was the first cloned animal and led to more cloning of animals. This also proved to scientists that: yes, cloning is absolutely possible and is not a dream. -
European Food Safety Authority conclude that antibiotic resistance marker genes in GM plants do not pose a relevant risk to human or animal health or to the enviroment
This event was significant because now, everyone can enjoy GM food without worrying about risks. GM foods became more common and more enjoyable knowing that the food people ate were not dangerous to their bodies. -
The US FDA conclude that food and food products that are cloned are safe to eat
This event is significant because now, everyone can eat cloned animals. We can make clones that would help people eat certain type of meat such as beef without making a clone, and would not give people dangerous side effects. -
An Australian report says that GM crops can be grown and marked with conventional crops without causing any harm
This event is significant because now, GM crops can be grown anywhere instead of in a specific area just for GM crops. This saved lots of space that could be used for more farming. -
Many of our food become cloned
I chose this event because GM food are being more and more popular amongst people, and is safer than many conventional food which contain many chemicals. -
All of our food will be GM
I chose this event because more and more food are being GM to provide healthy meals for families.