first pernament photo
1826: First Permanent Image
French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce uses a camera obscura to burn a permanent image of the countryside at his Le Gras, France, estate onto a chemical-coated pewter plate. He names his technique "heliography," meaning "sun drawing." The black-and-white exposure takes eight hours and fades significantly, but an image is still visible on the plate today. -
first coloured photo
1861: First Color Photo
The enormously influential Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell creates a rudimentary color image by superimposing onto a single screen three black-and-white images each passed through three filters—red, green, and blue. His photo of a multicolored ribbon is the first to prove the efficacy of the three-color method, until then just a theory, and sets the stage for further color innovation, particularly by the Lumißre brothers in France. -
first ditial carma
2006: First Digital Camera Trap
National Geographic photographers had been using camera traps to take pictures of wildlife for years. But in 2006, George Steinmetz becomes the first to do so using a digital setup. The shoot, meticulously arranged at a watering hole in the Sonoran Desert, involves wired and wireless strobes, a digital SLR camera, and an infrared remote camera trap. The quarry: a close-up of the elusive North American mountain lion. Mountain lions (and various other animals) begi