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History of Photography from 1800-1910

By dskilly
  • Period: to

    Origins of Photography 1800s-1839

    This era predates the actual start of photography with the developments of processing systems and rudimentary photography devices to begin the actual taking of real images. Niepce developing the first negative. Daguerre developing the first latent image. The discovery of chemicals and processes to advance development of images all led to Daguerre introducing the world to photography in 1839 in Paris
  • Period: to

    The first Industrial Revolution

    The first Industrial Revolution began in Britain around 1760 with the introduction of James Watt's steam engine design and ended somewhere between 1820-1840
  • Thomas Wedgewood and Humphrey Davy-An experiment in Photography

    Thomas Wedgewood and Humphrey Davy-An experiment in Photography
    Thomas Wedgewood was a pioneer in photography. He would use Silver Nitrate and White Leather with Camera Obscura to make pictures. He engaged a young chemist, Humphrey Davy. "In 1802, Davy wrote a text with title “An Account of a Method of copying Paintings upon Glass, and of making Profiles by the agency of Light upon Nitrate of Silver, invented by T. Wedgwood, Esq., with Observations by H. Davy”.
  • Invention of the steam locomotive

    Invention of the steam locomotive
    Richard Trevithick invented the steam locomotive in 1804 by altering the design of the steam engine made by James Watt. He thrilled a crowd of 70 people transporting them and 25 tons of iron from Penydarren and Abercynon.
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    War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was the second battle between Britain and the United States over the right to develop North America and continued Britain's dispute with the United States.
  • Niepce uses Camera Obscura to make an image

    Niepce uses Camera Obscura to make an image
    Niepce developed the first image in 1816. He continued his work on developing processes for printing and developing until his death in 1833.
  • Creation of first latent Image

    Creation of first latent Image
    Daguerre created the first latent print sometime between 1835 and 1837. This led to his claims later in 1839 of having invented photography with his Daguerreotype photographic process.
  • Period: to

    Second Invention of Photography

    The Second Invention of Photography is developments after Daguerre's "invention" of photography in Paris in 1839. The introduction of the Daguerreotype, the Calotype by Fox Talbot, the documenting of war scenes, and the Collodion Process or wet-plate process in 1851.
  • Daguerre-First Photograph shown in Paris

    Daguerre-First Photograph shown in Paris
    on August 19, 1839, Daguerre presented his case of having invented photography in Paris. He is recognized as being the "inventor" of photography.
  • Fox Talbot Invents and Patents the Calotype

    Fox Talbot Invents and Patents the Calotype
    Fox Talbot invented and patented the Calotype in 1841. The Calotype, along with the Daguerreotype, were the two technological advances use during this period to take photographs.
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    The Mexican American War 1846-1848

    The Mexican American War was a conflict over the separation of Texas from Mexico and it's alignment and eventual acceptance of statehood with the United States.
  • Stereoscope and Stereographs

    Stereoscope and Stereographs
    The stereoscope was invented in 1850 by Sir William Brewster in England. It gave a 3D perspective of the image by having two pictures to view, one with each eye, that meld together when viewed with both eyes open.
  • Collodion Process

    Collodion Process
    The development of the wet-plate process helped reduce the time to develop photographs by using glass rather than paper to support light sensitive material.This process was developed by Fredrick Scott Archer in 1851.
  • First Photograph of the Moon 1851

    First Photograph of the Moon 1851
    The first photograph of the moon was taken by George Philips Bond and John Adams Whipple in 1851. The photo clearly shows the impact craters on the moon.
  • Period: to

    The Crimean War 1853-1856

    The Crimean War was a territorial war between the Ottoman Empire and Russia that included Sardinia, Britain, and France from 1853-1856. This was the first war where true photography was used to document war scenes.
  • Carte-De-Viste Photography

    Carte-De-Viste Photography
    The Carte-de-Viste photography process was patented in 1854 by André Adolphe Eugène Disdéri. It was small photograph that was popular in the late 1850s through the 1880s.
  • Pantheon Nadar

    Pantheon Nadar
    This lithographic print was made by Nadar in 1854. It was started to be 1000 celebrities, yet never finished by Nadar. He felt he was not a simple photographer, but an artist. He believed that what cant be learned is the sense of light, how the artistic appreciation of the effects produced by different and combine attributes of light affect how photography is art.
  • Period: to

    Expanding Domain of Photography 1854-1880

    This was the period of time where photography grew exponentially as better types of processing began to be explored and developed. The Wet Collodion process, Ambrotype, Stereograph, and Carte-De-Viste were all processes or devices that helped change and develop photography during this period.
  • Oscar Rejlander and "The Two Ways of Life"

    Oscar Rejlander and "The Two Ways of Life"
    "The Two Ways of Life" is considered the most famous High Art photograph of it's time. Constructed in 1857, it is a series of over 30 images blended together using the process called Combination Printing.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865 over the dispute to allow slavery or not allow slavery. Over 600,000 lives were lost during this war. This was the first war to show the bodies of dead soldiers. Photographs were often staged to enhance the effect of the scenes on battlegrounds.
  • Ophilia, Study No 2. by Julia Margaret Cameron 1867

    Ophilia, Study No 2. by Julia Margaret Cameron 1867
    Cameron was famous for the blurred images she produced. This was due to a camera she used with a short focal length early in her career. She decided the style suited her subject matter and kept with it.
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    The Long Depression

    This was a series of depressions in the 1870s-1890s that had catastrophic financial effects on America and world wide.
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    Second Industrial Revolution

    This time witnessed the expansion of steel, electricity, and petroleum. This period also coincided with the Long Depression World wide. The technological advancements made during this period would drive success going into the early 1900s and set up further advances in these areas from the 1940s thru the 1990s
  • Marie Lydie Cabanis Bonfils

    Marie Lydie Cabanis Bonfils
    Bonfils was one of the few professional women photographers of her time. She and her husband ran their own studio. She was recognized for the photography of Middle Eastern decent without them being considered exotic photos, instead the women were dressed in traditional Middle Eastern wear.
  • Period: to

    Photography and Modernity (1880-1918)

    This period was where the current or modern manifest destiny of photography began. The "Invention" of the portable camera (the Kodak, the Brownie), The Great Divide between mass media and mass markets, pictorialism, and then photo secessionism helped develop photography from a "recording mechanism" to the transition of photography as an art form, and finally to Modern Life and World War I. Photography in this period set up photography for what it would become.
  • Invention of the Automobile-Karl Benz

    Invention of the Automobile-Karl Benz
    Karl Benz is created with making the first gasoline operated perpetual motion device, later termed the automobile in 1885. Carl Benz registered a patent on January 29, 1886.
  • Introduction of "The Kodak", first hand held camera

    Introduction of "The Kodak", first hand held camera
    The introduction of "The Kodak" was the beginning of the public having the capability to take photographs themselves and have their own images produced for them. The unit cost $25, so it was expensive for the middle class to buy. It came preloaded with 100 exposures of paper film on a roll.
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    The Spanish-American War

    This war was a short lived war in 1898. The war started with the sinking of the USS Maine from an explosion while in Cuba. This war made Teddy Roosevelt a hero and eventually would lead to him becoming Vice President and then President of the United States. Teddy's Roughriders earned their name in this war.
  • The Kodak "Brownie" Introduced for Casual Photography

    The Kodak "Brownie" Introduced for Casual Photography
    The introduction of the "Brownie" by Kodak was a significant event in 1900 in photography. The device sold for $1 and was targeted at children and the middle class. an extension of "The Kodak", it sold over 150,000 units in the first year and propelled Kodak out of the depression of the 1890s.
  • Gertrude Kasebier-Pictorialist

    Gertrude Kasebier-Pictorialist
    The image is of Evelyn Nesbitt. She was a model and actress in the 1900s. This photograph of her was taken in 1900 by Kasebier. Kasebier had a gift for capturing the emotions and allure of women and men alike. She was considered the most successful portrait photography of the early 1900s,
  • Alfred Stieglitz

    Alfred Stieglitz
    Stieglitz was a pictorialist until the 1900's. He became a leader of the Photo-secessionst movement due to his disagreements with the pictorialists about the direction of photography as an art. This photo was done as part of series of photos from 1925-1934.
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    World War I 1914-1918

    World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Fought in Europe, the war was emblematic of strife between cultural issues with in Europe and fought between Germany, Britain, France, and the United States.