360 ball

By 360ball
  • 18

    April 2010: the first game The game experienced a new interest in 2009. The first game was played in Knysna in April 2010

    is a new racquet sport originally from Africa in which, unlike other racquet sports, there is no net, but it is played in a circular court with glass walls.
  • the paddle looks like 360 ​​ball ?

    the 360 ​​ball is very similar to the paddle game which was also played in the year 1980 as the 360 ​​ball
  • the paddle looks like 360 ​​ball

     the paddle looks like 360 ​​ball
    the paddle can be the copy of the 360 ​​ball since they were created in the same damage in the year 1980 almost with the same characteristics
  • More about the sport

    More about the sport
    If you look similar to other sports (tennis, squash, ping pong ), you will find themt [the. Bu 360Ball differentiates everyone. It is a unique sport, "says Javier de la Chica, its highest representative in Spain. The number of players can vary in matches, whether in pairs (two against two) or individual
  • where is currently played?

    where is currently played?
    The game is played on the beaches and in the cities of South Africa, Spain, France, Germany and other countries.
  • The 360ball was invented in the mid-1980s.

    The 360ball was invented in the mid-1980s.
    The game is played on the beaches and in cities of South Africa, Spain, France, Germany and other countries.
  • rules of the 360 ball

    rules of the 360 ball
    It is played on a circular track. It can be played individually or by teams (doubles). Each player or team has two strokes to return the ball, which has to bounce in the center circle.
  • what kind of rackets the 360 ​​ball is played ?

    what kind of rackets the 360 ​​ball is played ?
    360Ball is a racquet sport played in the form of one against one or double, two against two, in a circular game court. Players use their rackets to hit a ball in such a way that it bounces on the central disc.