Period: 206 to 221
Quin Dynasty
Qin had seized the territories of small states on its south and west borders by the mid-third century B.C., pursuing a harsh policy aimed at the consolidation and maintenance of power. Qin Shihuangdi continued to extend the empire, eventually reaching as far south as Vietnam. His vast empire was divided into commanderies and prefectures administered jointly by civil and military officials under the direction of a huge central bureaucracy. -
Period of the Book Buring Policy
A phrase that refers to a policy and a sequence of events in the Qin Dynasty of Ancient China, between the period of 213 and 206 BCE. Book Burning is the practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, one or more copies of a book or other written material. -
Shi Huangdi
The emperor connected and extended the old fortification walls along the north of China that originated about 700 B.C. (over 2500 years ago), forming the Great Wall of China to stop invading barbarians from the north. -
Burial of the Terra Cotta Army
The Terracotta Warriors represent only a small portion of the eight thousand strong underground army buried in front of the Emperor Qinshihuang's tomb (r. 221-207 BC) to defend him in the afterlife.The main tomb has still to be excavated - partly because archaeologists are still uncertain of its exact location. Often Emperors amassed huge burial mounds simply to divert robbers' attention from the true site of their tomb. -
Period: 221 to Jan 19, 770
Eastern Zhou Dynasty
The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was a time full of change. At the same time, the dynasty features supreme prosperity in economy, science and culture. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty is divided into two periods: The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States Period. -
First use of the Crossbow
One of the earliest reliable records of this weapon in warfare is from an ambush, the Battle of Ma-Ling in 341 BC. By the 200s BC, the crossbow (nǔ, 弩) was well developed and quite widely used in China. -
The Warring States Period
It commenced at a time of when the numerous petty city-state kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn period had been consolidated into seven major contenders and a few minor enclaves. -
Development of the Ouija Board Game
One of the first uses of "Ouija-like instruments" is found in China, centuries before the birth of Confucius (circa 550 B.C.E.). In reality, Fu Chi (also called Fuji, Fuluan, or Jiangbi), a well-known form of Chinese spirit writing, is simply automatic writing, with no board, letters, or message indicator. -
Birth of Confucius
He dedicated to philosophical study. We are told that he reflected deeply on the eternal laws of morality, traced them to their source, imbued his mind with a sense of the duties they impose indiscriminately on all men, and determined to make them the immutable rule of all hia actions. -
Jan 18, 771
Spring and Autum Period
After the capital was sacked by barbarians from the west, the Zhou moved east, thus neatly dividing the Zhou dynasty into eastern and western periods.The Spring & Autumn period, named after a book (The Spring and Autumn Annals) that provides a history of period saw a proliferation of new ideas and philosophies. The three most important, from a historical standpoint, were Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. -
Period: Jan 19, 771 to Jan 19, 1100
Western Dynasty
The Western Zhou Dynasty is renowned as the period which saw the height of splendor of Prehistoric Times because of its great developments. During the late period of the Western Zhou Dynasty, people began to grasp the skill of metallurgy. -
Period: Jan 19, 1050 to
Shang Dynasty
The Shang dynasty began when T'ang, a man of great virtue and wisdom, overthrew the decadent emperor Chieh, the last of the Hsia dynasty. Most of these records are "oracle bones," which were used to divine the future. The question to the oracle would be written on the bone, and then its answer, and then the real outcomes. -
Jan 15, 1122
The Shi Jing Book of Songs
Chinese book of poems including 305 poems of the Zhou Dynasty. All the poems were said that they could be sung as songs. The poems were divided into three categories. -
Jan 20, 1200
Death of Lady Hao
Lady Hao was a warrior and a general. The third wife of the last Shang Dynasty Emperor. Her burial is at Anyang, in lavish and also includes 750 examples of jades, mirrors with geometric designs, bronze and ivory. It also contains human and animal sacrifices. -
Period: to
Xia Dynasty
The Xia Dynasty was thought to be a part of a myth that the Chinese tell as part of their history. They were agrarian people, with rulers who often acted as shamans, communicating with spirits for help and guidance. -
Completion of the Erya
The Erya, 3rd century B.C. was considered the authoritative lexicographic guide to Chinese classic texts during the Han Dynasty, and it was officially categorised as one of the Thirteen Confucian Classics during the Song Dynasty. The received text contains 2094 entries, covering about 4300 words, and a total of 13,113 characters. It is divided into nineteen sections, the first of which is subdivided into two parts. -
Battle of Banquan
In the late ruling period of Shennong (the Yan Emperor, a legendary ruler of China), tribes were moving from one place to another due to the increase of population over time.At the request of all tribes under invasion, the Yellow Emperor launched a battle with the Yan Emperor in Banquan (present-day southeast of Zhuolu County in Hebei). In the end, the Yellow Emperor and his tribe won the battle, gaining support from all tribes. -
Connection of the Barbarian Walls to create the Great Wall
Because these walls, erected over and over again, never kept anybody out permanently. If anything, often the emperor ordering the construction of another set of walls was a barbarian whom previous fortifications were supposed to bar in the first place. -
Domestication of the Buffalo
Buffalos were considered animal of the demon group and hunted for food. Buffalos were tamed and then domesticated for working in various agricultural operations. The Shang Dynasty believed that buffalos were evident from the depiction of forms of vessels and pillars. -
Oldest Silk Found In China
Approximate date of the oldest discovered silk in China, found by archaeologists in what is now Henan province in what was the late Yangshao period.