Invention of the Telegraph
Homestead Act
It gave 160 acres of free land to a person who lived on land for five years. -
End of the Civiil War
It was the most devastating conflit in American history. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
This treaty was supposed to bring peace, but it never did. -
Transcontinental Railroad
They chose a Chinese crew to lay the final ten miles of track, which was completed in twelve hours. -
Boss Tweed jailed
Tweed was convicted and sentenced to prison. -
Telephone is Invented
End of Reconstruction
Most of the Republican leaders perferred a new candidate, and the wondered who would win back the Liberal Republicans and unite the party. -
Time Zones are created
All communities in each time zone would share the same time, and each zone was an hour apart on either side. -
Pendleton Act is passed
It established the Civil Service Commision to set up competitive examinations for federal jobs. -
Dawes Act
This law was to get rid of two weaknesses of Native Americans lives. -
Model T Invented
Sherman Anti-Trust Act is passed
The law said to "protect trade and commerce against restraint and monopoly." -
Battle of Wounded Knee
No one knows how the fight started but when a pistol shot ran out the army responded with fire. -
Chinese Exclusin Act
Stoped Chinese workers for entering the US for 5 years. -
Ellis Island Opens
Most Asian immigrants arrived in America on the West Coast and went through the processing center on Angel Island.