1st Semester Review

  • Invention of the telegraph

  • Homestead Act

    This gave 160 free acres of land to settlers for five years.
  • End of the Civil War

    This event was the most devastating conflict in the U.S. because 600,000 soilders were killed and billions of dollars of damage were done.
  • Tanscontinental Railroad

    A railroad route the connected the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.
  • Boss Tweed jailed

    Boss tweed was a major role in the 19th century political machine in NYC.
  • Telephone is Invented

  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    In 1876 the Native American triumph defeated George Custer and the U.S.
  • End of Reconstruction

    At the end of reconstruction, Ulysses S. Grant was running for his third term for president.
  • Chinese Exculsion Act

    In 1882, this stopped Chinese workers from coming to the U.S. for ten years.
  • Time Zones Created

    These were created so people would know how long their trip on the railraod would be. It divided the country into four time zones.
  • Pendleton Act is passed

    Congress passed this bill which then set up competive examinations for federal jobs.
  • Dawes Act

    In 1887, this eleminated the weaknesses of Native American life. They had a lack of their own land and their own traditions.
  • Sherman Anti- Trust Act is passed

    This passed in 1890 and forbid coporations becoming monopolies.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    This marked the end of armed conflict between the whites and the Native Americans.
  • Ellis Island

    This place is the main immigration station for the U.S. history.
  • Model T invented