Reconstruction after The Civil War

  • Lincoln sets forth a Ten Pencent Plan

    Lincoln sets forth a Ten Pencent Plan
    The Ten Pencent Plan was 10 percent or more of the population of the voting population of any occupied state who had taken the oath, they were authorized to set up a loyal government.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction after the Civil War

  • The Wade-Davis Bill vetoed

    The Wade-Davis Bill vetoed
    Lincoln pocket- vetoed after Congress passed The Wade-Davis Bill which required 50 percent of the voters take an oath of future loyalty before restoration process could begin.
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative
    Johnson's initiative was to appoint southern states under provisional governors. they then would be responsible to ensure only the loyal whites to vote for delegates
  • Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presisdental plan

    Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presisdental plan
    Congress was not in favor with Johnson's initiatives for the south, showed this with refusal to seat representatives.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedman's Bureau Bill

    Johnson vetoes Freedman's Bureau Bill
    Freedman's Bureau was a temporary agency to aid the former slaves by providing relief. Johnson didnt believe in these efforts.
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act: it passes over his veto

    Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act: it passes over his veto
    This was Johnson's second veto. this really split up the Congress and the president. Soon to establish the 14th ammendment.
  • Congress passes fourteenth ammendment

    Congress passes fourteenth ammendment
    The 14th ammendment provided citzenship to all ex- slaves and protected rights for all citzens.
  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in fall elections

    Republicans increase their congressional majority in fall elections
    With the increase more Republicans led to more votes their way
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto
    The First Reconstruction Act placed the South under the rule of the army in reorganizing it into 5 military regions.
  • Johnson is impeached, avoids conviction by one vote

    Johnson is impeached, avoids conviction by one vote
    Johnson was impeached on the belief of dismissing those who were radicals in office, especially when dismissing Stanton as head of the War department. But with the use of the constitution he escaped conviction by one vote.
  • Southern Blacks vote and serve in constitional conventions

    Southern Blacks vote and serve in constitional conventions
    At this time blacks are fighting for the rights they deserve as citzens.-
  • Grant wins the presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    Grant wins the presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour
    Grant had 214 electoral votes and Seymour had 80 electorial votes
  • Congress pasees 15th ammendment

    Congress pasees 15th ammendment
    this allowed African Americans to vote. Feminists were upset with the ammendment, at this time they still couldn't vote.
  • Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights

    Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights
    the Ku Klux Klan Acts were acts to stop the terror against blacks and their voting rights. People in the Klan wore hooded with outfits
  • Grant reelected president over Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats

    Grant reelected president over Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats
    Grant had 286 electorial votes and Greeley died before the elecetorial college counted.
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    Financial panic plunges nation into depression
    financial panic originated from Grant's corrupt adminastration, but he is partially guilty for the downfall.
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

    Congress passes Specie Resumption Act
    The Specie Resumption Act providedfor a limited seduction of greenbacks leading to full resumption of specie payments.
  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed
    It involved using tax revenues in a conspiracy among government agents, politians, whiskey distillers and distrubuters
  • Disputed presidental election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Disputed presidental election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden
    Hayes received 185 electorial votes and Hilton recieved 184 electorial votes
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 ended military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments. It made the USA a union of unity again.