Road to the Constitution

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    A couple causes of the French and Indian War are compition over the land in the Ohio River Valley. Another one was that there was conflict over control of the American trade routes. The english and the frenchmen are traditional enemies. They went to war to see who would have the overall control over North America. They needed money for the war debt and so they started putting taxes on things.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The colonists started to move further west because the French were no longer in the territory. That ment that the fighting with the Native Americans increased. King George put a line in the Appalachians which made it so that they colonists could not settle any farther west. It increased the tention between the American colonists and the British. Which increased the fighting.
  • Sugar Act (1764)

    Sugar Act (1764)
    They lowered the taxes on the Malasses Act of 1733. The goal was to decrease colonial smuggling in the West Indies. It added a cost to sugar. It gave the British soldiers writs of assistance, and it allowed them to board and search any of the ships that entered. They could also search the ships that left. The colonists were not as upset, because it was an indirect tax.
  • Stamp Act (1765)

    Stamp Act (1765)
    A tax was put on all of the printed goods in the colonies. It was different from other taxes, because it was a direct tax, it was added onto the price. It was important because the colonists protested by boycotting and non-importation agreement. When they boycott, they rufused to buy British goods or printed material. Non-importation agreement is when they refused to buy or sell British goods in markets and stores. They also took it furthur by tar and feathering people and refusing to pay taxes.
  • Intolerable Act (1765)

    Intolerable Act (1765)
    It was passed by the Parliament and it was a punishment for the colonists and the Boston Tea Party. England is now taking control. It made King George very angry. One of the things that came off the Intolerable Act was the Boston Port Act which made the Boston Harbor closed and no one could leave. It also had many more effecting acts. It didn't give the colonists much control. The acts were punishment for the loss of money in the war and not following the British law. Merchants refused to join.
  • Townshend Act (1766)

    Townshend Act (1766)
    The colonists refused to purchase goods. It imported duties placed on glass, paper, and tea. After the colonists boycotted it several times, the British repealed the act just after four years. They keep the tax on the tea so that the Parliament still have authority over the American colonists, The colonists were so upset that they poured tea off the boat, which is known as the Boston Tea Party.
  • Quebec Act (1774)

    Quebec Act (1774)
    The Quebec Act is one of the Intolerable Acts. This act allowed the French to be recognized but the English law would still be inforced in criminal matters. There were boundaries that went into the Ohio River and that way the land could not be claimed. That became a problem. It became easier to control the colonists by keeping them by the east coast.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    Massachusetts Government Act
    The Massachusetts Government Act made it so there could be no public meetings. The governer would select the juries. They didn't have a government and it was taken away from them. Their court system got replaced. By not having any of that, they couldn't pass new laws or do anything about the taxes.
  • Boston Tea Party (1774)

    Boston Tea Party (1774)
    The Boston Tea Party was when tea was poured off the side of a boat. There was a lot of celebration. England still wanted to have control. Hutchinson told England what happened and the colonists didn't find out until months later. England sees it as a threat to British rule. Britian passed the Intolerable which was the Boston Port Act. It also kept the tax on tea.
  • Lexington and Concord (1775)

    Lexington and Concord (1775)
    This showed that the colonists had a chance against Britian. It showed what Britians weaknesses were and how they didn't know how powerful the colonists really were. They ask King George to send them a lot of money. The British picked bad land and got it in the marshes. When the troops marched throgh Lexington, eight milinia were dead and eleven were wounded. After that happened, they didn't send the troops to Concord and they didn't find anything. On their way back, over 200 people were kill.