u4a1: Concept Map

By szeron
  • Colonial Period (1620-1775)

    1. In an attempt to manage ideologies, schools attempt to distribute ideas from society.
    2. Americanization Programs
    3. There is a continuous struggle between Native Americans and colonists.
      Examples: Rejection of John Eliot sermon, laws requiring native Americans to acknowledge Christianity, MA General Court condemning anyone who denies God.
    1.Issues of evolution of the human society.
  • New Republic (1776-1820s)

    1. Noah Webster creates a book in spelling and grammar to unify a multicultural society- 1783-84 (ideological management)
    2. The first high school in Boston to be created- 1821 (ideological management)
    3. Cherokees get a written language from Sequoyah – 1821 (ideological management).
    4. Civilization fund Act was established to change native Americans cultures into Angelo American cultures- 1819 (culture and religion).
    5. Naturalization Act- only whites can be naturalized citizens- 1790 (ra
  • Common School Movement (1830-1850)

    1. Standardized state systems of
      education to achieve specific public
    2. Provided the basic ideology and structure of the modern American School system.
    3. Growth of centralized and bureaucratic control.
    4. Persistent Political Division and shifting patterns of control.
    5. Common School Reform: all
      children are educated in one schoolhouse.
    6. Movement attempted to make Protestant-Anglo-American cultural values dominant over all others.
    7. Shiftin