Period: to
Cival War
Abe Lincoln Elected President
South thought he would destroy slavery tears union apart. -
Abraham Lincoln is Elected President
Abrham Lincoln runs against Senator Stephan Douglas. This match up was a repeat to the Illinois Senate match up, only with the oposit out come. -
South Carolina leaves From US
South Carolina leaves the Union. -
THe attack on Fort Sumter
South Carolina troops attack Fort Sumter. Shows southern states on the border of succesion that the Confederacy ment Business. -
Mississippi leaves the Union
Mississippi leaves Union. -
Florida leaves US
Florida leaves US. -
Alabama leaves US
Alabama leaves Union -
Georgia leaves US
Georgia leaves Union -
Louisiana leaves US
Louisiana leaves Union -
Texas leaves US
Texas leaves the union -
Virginia leaves US
Virginia leaves the Union -
Arkansas leaves the US
Arkansas leaves Union -
Tennessee leaves US
Tennessee leaves Union -
North Carolina leaves US
North Carolina leaves Union -
The battle of Manassas
The battle of Manassas is the first real battle of the civil war. The Union army attacts the Confederates and the COnfederates are at a disadvantge in the begining. After holding off the Union attack (lead by Gerneral Thomas Jacksons Virgina brigade where he is given the nickname "Stonewall" Jackson) the Confederates attack the Union troops and push them back. Both sides realize this war will be much longer then origanaly thought. -
Monitor & Merrimack fight
The Monitor and Merrimack fight outside Hamptons Roads Va. this is the first clash of two iron ships. Neither ship won or loss (sense the guns couldn;t really penentrate the iron) so the battle just ended. -
Battle Of Shiloh
The battle of Shiloh was started by the Confederates with an surprise attact that was very effective. The secound day however due to confusion and the south giving the Union to much time to regroup the south was driven away. This battle gave the Union access to the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. -
Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam occured on september 17th, 1862 and is the bloodest singal day battle in American History. -
Emancipation Proclamation is written
The emancipation proclamation is written by President Lincoln. This proclamation is often credited with freeing the slaves. This is NOT true, it really does nothing. All the Emancipation Proclamation did was free slaves in rebelling states, which was already happening. -
The Battle of Fredericksburg
THe battle of Fredericksburg is widly considered one of the most one sided battles in the Cival War. Union troops attack fortified Confederate posistions on a hill near the town. The union suffers 12,653 Casuilties well the Confederates suffer only 5,377. -
The Battle of Chancerlerville
Joseph Hooker leads his troops (115,000 soldiers) to Chancelerville to try out move the confederates. Lee moved his troops (60,000 soldiers) to attack Hookers army. Thomas "stonewall" Jackson is ordered to move his troops to the exsposed right flank of the Union. Jackson is shot in the arm after the attack ends by his own troops and latter dies trying to recover from his amputation. -
West Virginia becomes a state
West Virginia becomes a state in the Union. Most if not all historirans believe this is illegal. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
In the end of the battle (on July 3) 51,112 men were killed, wounded, missing, or captured. This victory markes the biggest event for the Union army. The south now most abandon their hopes of taking the war to Washington D.C. -
Battle on Little Round Top
Joshua Chamberline and the 20th Maine help defend Little Round top on of the only good ways to flank the Union troops. -
The Battle of Vicksburg is Won
After 40 days of seige the city of Vicksburg sureenders to Union Commander U.S. Grant. Word is recieved by Lincoln after the battle of Gettysberg and helped show Grant was the man he need for the army of the Potomac -
Lincoln gives the Gettysburg Address
4 months after the Unions desiceve win at Gettysburg Lincoln goes to the deication of the Soldiers Cemetary at Gettysburg. The words "Four Score and seaven years ago" will for ever be a part of our countrys history. -
Shermans march to the sea
William Sherman marces across Georgia to the port city of Sahvana. kills everything in his path. -
Surrender at Appomatox Courthouse
Lee surenders to Grant at Appomatox Courthouse. -
President Lincoln is Shot in Fords Theater
President Lincoln is shot and killed in Fords Theater by John Wilkes Booth. His death is jsut one part of a plan to kill many high officals in the Goverenment. -
13th Admendment passed
The 13th admendment is added. This admendment ends slavery everywhere.