Doctor evil

Tripp-history of India

  • Dec 2, 1206

    Turkisn kingdom stretched

    Turkisn kingdom stretched
    by 1206 the Turkisn kingdom stretched south to the deccan plateau
  • Period: Dec 2, 1206 to

    hisorty of india

  • Dec 2, 1526

    Muguhal ruler

    Muguhal ruler
    by 1526 Barbur, Muguhal ruler and a Muslim,invaded southward with his army.
  • queen Elisabeth gave rights to trade

    queen Elisabeth gave rights to trade
    Queen Elisabeth I of England gave trade rights to the East India company,an organizationof english merchants,to trade in India and East and Southeast Asia.
  • the last Mushal emperor

    the last Mushal emperor
    by 1707 ,with the death of the last mughal emperor, the empire eventually collapsed
  • Great Britain took possion

    Great Britain took possion
    by 1796 Great Britain took possion of the nation of sri lanka,then called Celon,and the island nation of the maldives.
  • indian national congress was formed

    indian national congress was formed
    by 1885 the indian national congress was formed to provide a form where indians could discuss their problem.
  • muslims formed

    muslims formed
    by 1906 muslims formed the muslim league
  • two countries were formed

    two countries were formed
    by 1947 the two countries were formed and granted independence.
  • indepement

    by 1948 sri lanka became indepement.