Large Scale Infectious Disease Outbreaks

  • Malaria

    linkMalaria was found by the greek Hippocrates in Greece and was running through the water and air. It ended up staying in the tropics near Africa and epidemics killed in Ula and Bombay. and was brought along with the african slaves to the New World. It kills 1.5 million people each year. It causes fever, shivering, joint pain, and vomiting. Severe cases include jaundice, kindney failure, aneimia, and coma.
  • Cholera

    Cholera was first discovered in India near the 4th century BC and is a disease due to poor sanitation in water and contaminated sewage coming into contact with it. This disease enters in the mouth and lodges itself in the small intestine where it then multiplies. In the process there is a huge loss of fluids which becomes severe. The symptoms include vomiting, along with muscle cramps and extreme thirst. The first pandemic swept the eastern hemisphere from 1817-1823
  • Diptheria

    Diptheria was discovered in some of the first century AD. The first pandemic broke out during the 1850-1860 decade. Over 5,000 people died from this disease. The disease symptoms include sore throat, harsh cough, moderate fever, and bull-neck swelling.
  • Influenza

    Influenza epedimic for influenza first occured in 1557. In 1918 was the huge Pneumonia Influenza pandemic that killed 600,000 people in the US and 25 million worldwide. People who have this disease suffer inflammation,headache,fever,and pain in the limbs. Severe cases head to the lungs causing death. It became an epidemic in Boston and spread through NY.
  • H1N1 (Swine Flu)

    H1N1 (Swine Flu)
    This disease is believed to have started in La Gloria Mexico. But first announced in Mexico City. April 14, 2009 in San Diego, California was the first U.S. case. 6,567 deaths have been recorded so far. It has all the symptoms of the normal flu but is alot worse and can be deadly.