Civil War - History 2.0

  • Underground Railroad

    Slaves running away to the north (Canada because there are no slaves there). Slaves would walk ten to twenty miles a night and hide in the daytime. Conducters (sometimes abolitionists) would led tsmall groups of slaves place to place. Harriot Tubman (former slave) pretends to be slave and takes fourteen trips to lead away slaves.
  • Pearl Incident

    Abolitionist pays ship owner of the Pearl to take away about seventy slaves. They're captured and get sold further south. Men (three) who tried to help them escape get put on trial. Two are found guilty and fined. Thrown in jail until they could pay it. After four years the president lets them go.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California was entered as a free state. North wins. New Mexico and Utah territories could vote for themselves. Utah votes to be slave territory. Texas payed to give up some land. No slave trade in the District of Columbia. Fugitive Slave Act in the south- whoever doesn't arrest a runaway slave has to pay a fine.
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Brown is leader of anti-slavery people and kills slaves owners. Wants to raise his own army against slavery. Raids the federal arsanel. Brown was caught and some of his men were killed. Was going to give the guns to the slaves and is charged with treason. On trial in the south and is executed.
  • Election of 1860

    During Civil War, states were fighting over which ones would be slave states. Douglas- democrat; running agaisnt Lincoln for president -republican (anti-slavery). Only Douglas gave speeches, Lincoln didn't tell people what he stands for. Isn't in favor of ending slavery but doesn't want it to expand. South splits their vote for Breckonridge and Douglas. Lincoln wins because they couldn't decide. Only people in the north voted for him. First presidential canadit that only one region voted for.
  • Secession

    South Carolina says they are leaving the country because of states rights,