Christian reads book and finds out about his city's fate. ( Horton 347 )
Christian meets Evangelist. ( Horton 348 )
Evangelists points Christian to the Celestial Gate. ( Horton 348 )
Christian's neighbor Pliable joins Christian. ( Horton 349 )
Pliable leaves Christian in Slough of Despond while Christian recieves help from Help. ( Horton 350 )
Christian meets Master Worldly Wiseman and takes a different route. ( Horton 351, 352 )
Evangelist puts Christian back on track. ( Horton 353, 354 )
Goodwill opens the gate and shows Christian the way to the cross. ( Horton 355, 356 )
Christian meets the Interpreter. ( Horton 357 )
Christian starts on the road to the cross. ( Horton 358 )
Christian comes to the cross. ( Horton 358 )
Christian meets Faithful and comes to Vanity Fair. ( Horton 358, 359 )
Christian and Faithful are charged for disrupting the peace of the town. ( Horton 361 )
Faithful is taken to the Celestial City. ( Horton 362 )
Hopeful joins Christian. ( Horton 363 )