My Birthday!
nerdcoregirlI was born on February 23, 1685 in the town of Halle, Germany. My parents are Gerog Handel and Dorothea Taust. -
Music Skills!
creative commonsBy the time I was seven I was already a skillful organ and harpsichord player. -
Composing Music
creative commonsWhen I was nine, I started composing music. The Duke convinced my father to let me study music under Friedrich Zachow. -
University of Halle!
[creative commons](http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:d0_6EUK_JbDrQM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Halle_(Saale)_University_Library_Building_(Feb-20)When I was 17 I studied briefly at the University of Halle. -
My jourey to Hamburg!
creative commonsI was 18 years old when I traveled to Hamburg. At the Hamburg Opera I got my first job as a violinist and gave private lessons to support myself. -
My job as a conductor and court composer!
creative commonsWhen I was 25 I got the job of a court composer and conductor in Hannover, Germany. -