1 Month
- Makes sounds - ooh and ahhs
- Can see black-white patterns
2 Months
- Vocalizes more sounds - gurgling and cooing
- Smiles and laughs in response to others smiling at them
3 Months
- Holds head steady
- Able to roll over
4 Months
- Able to grasp toys
- Reaches out for objects
- Imitates speech sounds
5 Months
- Plays with hands and feet
- Turns toward new sounds
- Laughs out loud
12 Months
- Responds to their name
- Waves goodbye
- Able to say "mama" and "dada"
2 Years
- Talks about likes and dislikes
- Able to balance on one foot
2 1/2 Years
- Hops and skips
- Draws a circle
- Expresses emotions
- Able to name a few colors
3 Years
- Able to dress and undress themselves
- Tends to be toilet trained
5 Years
- Runs on tiptoes
- Prints capital letters
- Plays well with others
7 Years old
- Enter the concrete-operational stage at this age.
- Shows signs of adult thinking
9 Years old
- The final cognitive stage in Piaget's theory begins at about puberty and represents congnitive maturity. It is the formal-operational stage,