30 day stormbuddy

  • Day 1 - Come up with business idea

    Day 1 - Come up with business idea
    Coming up of the business idea, it product and why its helpful to people. Storm buddy, its product is the solar power conversion unit. To power appliances within ones household or while out camping.
  • Day 2- register business name and idea

    Day 2- register business name and idea
    A business name is the name your business operates under. it also an offence to carry on business under an unregistered business name. also to protect the business name apply for a trade mark, which would give you exclusive trading, branding or ownership rights over your business name.
  • Day 3- Market research

    Day 3- Market research
    Facebook pool,Survey monkey,social media and online interviews. The purpose is to gather information about the target market and analysis of secondary data.
  • Day 4- Focus groups

    Day 4- Focus groups
    a focus group is a marketing research tool in small groups of people. to see what people think about the product and if they would buy such a product. overall used for feedback.
  • Day 5- location of store

    Day 5- location of store
    The location is very important, the few reasons are foot traffic so where people are mostly to be. Accessibility and parking is one of the main reasons, it needs to be somewhere for customers, employees, and suppliers to easy access. another is the location would also be need other business so like in a shopping area. the reason for it because it can benefit from other business by costumers traffic they generate.
  • Day 6- Design of prototype

    a prototype will help the final product, help achieve it, testing can be done and can gain inputs and insights about how real users would actually use the product. also can tell the makers what needs to be improved.
  • Day 7- Making phones calls potential sponsors

    Day 7- Making phones calls potential sponsors
    calling to company for resources or to become business partner. this would benefit the business in the long run
  • Day 8 - building the prototype

    Day 8 - building the prototype
    construction of the prototype for testing and feedback
  • Day 9 - Focus groups of potential buyers

    Day 9 - Focus groups of potential buyers
    Presentation of company product, solar panel conversion unit
    -how to operate it
    -get feedback
  • Day 10- Design official logo

    -GO and work with professional logo designer. the logo can have significant impact on a company's public perception. it will let buyers know of the business.
  • Day 11 - Advertise of the product

    Day 11 - Advertise of the product
    advertising will help to raise awareness of a product or service and will eventually increase the numbers of sales of the product. some form that will be used would be TV, print ads, billboards, online ads, social media, radio, and direct mail.
  • Day 12- set up of website and social Accounts

    This will help people see what the product is about, what are its uses, why it will be benefit and rise awareness of the product
  • Day 13- advertise jobs/ hiring people

    the business will need to hire people such as such engineers, business workers, electricians. People that will be very important for the business. we will spread the job opportunities on our website, social, TV ads, newspaper etc...
  • Day 14- finalise final product

  • Day 15 - contact sponsors about production

    Day 15 - contact sponsors about production
    -calling our sponsors about the materials that the business will need to start to produce the product.
  • Day 16- calls to potentials investors or partners

    phones to anyone that is willing to invest in our product or willing to partner up with us. The contributes money will help the business run and help it grow.
  • Day 17- Pop-up store

    • to let potential buyers to see and buy the product with discount before official store opens
  • Day 18 - Start-up capital

    Day 18 -	Start-up capital
    set up pages like crowdfunding or the business will apply for a loan. this will ensure the business will have money to run.
  • Day 19 - Production of the product

    Day 19 -  Production of the product
    the beginning of the product being constructed and getting really to be sold.
  • Day 20- official Opening of Storm-Buddy

  • Day 21- focus group of buyers

    the will ask some of our buyers to come in and talk about the product, to see if the is too hard too use, if its a waste of money, what improves they would recommend and overall getting their feedback and thoughts on the product.
  • Day 22- technical improves of the product

    after getting the feedback the engineering team will start to make improves solar unit, remaking the unit and following the feedback that was collected from the buyer .
  • Day 23- Launch model two of the product

    Day 23- Launch model two of the product
    after the improves it will be a new product and we will launch it as the model 2. which would be more advanced then the original and everything that the feedback want the product to improve on.
  • Day 24- Offer promotions/deals for new Model 2

    Day 24- Offer promotions/deals for new Model 2
    the promotion will make the new model will become cheaper and these deal small or large to create awareness and persuade the customers to buy the product.
  • Day 25- More market research

    we would do more market research will keep track of our target market, and what is happening around the market.
  • Day 26- analyzing market research

    Day 26- analyzing market research
    we will analyze the research to see what the customers want from our product, what they would make them buy the product and what could be improved about our product etc..,
  • Day 27- online stores

    Day 27-  online stores
    the business will create a website online store so our customers can go online, read about the product and buy it. Saving them time from travelling all the way to our store and be convenient for customers that have no time, are elderly or live too far away
  • Day 28- modification of the product

    Day 28- modification of the product
    After doing some more of market research, we will get that feedback and see what our customers or potential buyers want from our product
  • Day 29- Store special Demonstration

    Day 29- Store special Demonstration
    This would help bring in more customers, as it would be like a event. this event would show our customers what our product does, teach them how to use it and tell them what the benefits of getting would be.
  • Day 30- design model 3 of product

    As our product gets more and more feedback. We will begin to work on our newest model which as follow will have most of what our customer and market want.