Cuyahoga River Fire
Located in Ohio, was one of most polluted rivers in the US in the 20th century, caught fire at least 13 times before water pollution controlling acts were passed. -
Period: to
Number 1: Federal Environmental Regulation 1970-1990
Main Problem: Pollution caused by businesses & industries
Policy Objectives: Make the environment a national priority by reducing air, water and land pollution through federal policies -
World's First Earth Day
The first event took place in educational centers and different communities in the United States to demonstrate support for environmental protection. -
The Birth of the EPA
The United States Environmental Protection Agency is a Federal government agency which was created for to protect human health and the environment. They write and enforce regulations based on laws passed by Congress. -
Clean Water Act
The CWA set a national policy for cleaning up the nation's surface water. It established also national deadlines for eliminating discharge of pollutants into navigable waters and set as a goal "fishable and swimmable" waters nationwide. -
1973 - '74 Fuel Crisis
The embargo led by OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) led to a scarcity of oil and rise in prices. Environmentalists were blamed for limiting oil production in the U.S and the dependency on foreign oil. Public attitude of environmental policies shifted. -
Love Canal
A neighborhood within Niagara Falls, New York which was a site of a Superfund disaster that extensively affected the health of hundreds of its residents. It demonstrated some public concern for environmental damage but the government was inept in providing alleviation to those affected. -
Period: to
Number 2: Efficiency Based Reform 1980-2000
Main Problem: Managing pollution through market-based & collaborative mechanism
Policy Objectives: Environmental regulations were created on the basis of cost-benefit analysis -
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
It happened in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling 11 to 38 million US gallons of crude oil. It led to the collapse of the local marine population (particularly clams, herring, and seals). -
Period: to
Number 3: Toward Sustainable Reform 1990s-Present
Main Problem: Reconciling the harmony between humans and environment, focusing on conservation of biodiversity
Policy Objectives: “Industry level” attention to strategic planning and public and private partnerships -
National Environmental Education Act of 1990
An act of Congress of the United States of America to promote environmental education. It aims to increase public awareness and knowledge of environmental issues with especially the younger generation. -
The Earth Summit
Ith was eld in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14, unprecedented for a United Nations conference, in terms of both its size and the scope of its concerns. -
Kyoto Protocol
It was an international treaty signed by countries recognizing the existence of global warming due to man-made C02 emissions. The protocol implemented restrictions in order to reduce greenhouse gases and their effects. -
BP Oil Spill
It was the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. Estimated discharge of 4.9 million barrels devastated the environment due to BP’s faulty safety systems and negligence. -
Paris Agreement
US and China sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. The US and China produce the majority of carbon emissions. This treaty could lead to a major reduction in carbon pollution.