Summoning of the Estates-General
This meeting was called into session by King Louis XVI because the government was experiencing some financial issues. This meeting was the first meeting since the one last called in 1614. In this meeting all three clergies attended, these clergies include 1 clergy; 2 nobility; and 3 the commoners/ "everyone else".
I feel this is an important date in history because it is what started it all. This is the date in which the issue was really introduced to the public. -
Tennis Court Oath
The tennis court oath occurred after the King refused let let the commoners assemble in the castle. Because of this, they set out, and assembled in an indoor tennis court to discuss tax issues. This is where the National Assembly of France began. This is a very important date in revolution history because it is the day that the commoners began taking action and rebelling against the king, and the government. -
Storming of the Bastille
The storming of the Bastille occurred because the commoners needed to be armed and be in possession of weapons. The Bastille was a prison, at the time when it was attacked there were only 17 prisoners. In the attack, the governor was was killed, the men even stuck his head on a spike and carried it around like a trophy. This is yet another really important date in history because it shows that the commoners were serious, and had a real issue with tax. -
Declaration of the rights of men and of the citizen
The Declaration of the rights of men and of the citizen was put into place as a base of freedom and democracy. It was written by General Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, and Honoré Mirabeau. The declaration was inspired by the doctrine of "natural right".
I found this important because it was setting the tone for what the commoners wanted. -
Paris Mob
On this day over 7,000 ferious women armed themselves with pitchforks and muskits marched in the rain from Paris to Versailles. There they held a riot.
This is a very important event as well because it shows that not only the men were angry, bur so were the women. It is said that this event intensified the French Revolution. -
Constitution was expected by King Louis XV
The constitution, which was just a draft back in August of 1789, had now been excepted into the French government. This men't that the king had to hire more men to work in the Constitutional Committee. The king hired five more men to work with the three previous ones.
This is very important because it means that the constitution would now be set into place in the French government. -
French declare war against Austria
The meaning behind this war was to "Unify the country and to spread the ideas of revolution in Europe." Another reason why war was declared was because Austria's new government could easily be over thrown. Prussia joined Austria to help build a stronger army.
This is important because France lost really badly causing food shortages and more poverty. -
Storming the Tuileries Palace
This was the cause for the fall of the French Monarchy. A large group raided the palace and the royal family. In the raid King Louis XVI was arrested and taken into custody.
This is very important because taking the king into custody leads to his execution. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
This is the date on which King Louis XVI was executed. I did not find who personally did the execution, but did find that he was killed at the Place de la Révolution. He was 38 at the time and married to Marie Antoinette, together they had four children.
This was very important because France lost their ruler, and the monarchy was over. -
Constitution of 1795
This was the final constitution after the monarchy fell. It was known as the Constitution of year III, because it was the third and final draft of the constitution. It was also almost the end of the French Revolution, in the constitution most issues addressed were fixed. This is very important because it is what all the commoners had been fighting for, and now they have finally received what they have been waiting for so long.