3.3 Visualizing New France

  • The Seven Years War Begins

  • July 26, 1758

    Defeat at Louisbourg
  • June 1759

    After the victory at Fort Louisbourg, King George promoted Wolfe to major general and asked him to lead the attack on Quebec. In June of 1759, General Wolfe sailed down the St. Lawrence where he was met by 16 000 French soldiers, Native warriors and Canadian militia.
  • Pontiacs Resistance Begins

    It started because he saw what the British rule was doing to his people and decided he needed to help them.
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    It created aa clear bounties between the British and the first nation collies.
  • The Seven Years War Ends

  • First Nations Overtake

    The allied first nations overtook nine of twelve British forts.
  • Peace Treaty

    He sighed a peace treaty on behalf of his people with the British at Fort Ontario