Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution of 1917 is one of the reasons the USSR came to power. It was a pair of revolutions one in Russia one that lead to the down fall of Emperor Nicholas II. The second revolution lead to the Bolsheviks rise to power and the USSR being formed. -
Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was held between the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The conference was held because of the need to discuss about what needs to happen in Europe after WW2. It also discussed what to do with Japan. -
Atomic Bomb
The Atomic Boom or should I say Atomic Bombs where made and launched in the end of WW2. Know one had the technology except for the United states. The Atomic Bombs were drooped to induce fear and end the war, they were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Drooping the Atomic Bombs has and will ever change the way the world wages war. -
Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was a metaphorical line that was in eastern Europe. The line represented where witch country's had influence or control over. The Iron Curtain also represented the start of the buffer zone the USSR had created by taking control of many eastern European country's in hopes of having better defenses in case of an invasion from the west. -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was an American foreign policy the was trying to stop Russian expansion in the Cold War. The cold was was fought between the US and Russia but through other country's and things, like a chess mach and the other country's were paws. The Truman Doctrine made it so we sent aid to country's to fight Russia but not get directly evolved, Russia doing the same. An example is when the US was sending money to Greece and Turkey. -
Berlin Blockade and Airlift
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift was one of the first major conflicts in the Cold War. It occurred when the USSR closed the wall dividing Berlin, in fear of the western influence in Berlin. The US did not back down even in the fear the USSR would start a was they airlifted supplies to the starving people in Berlin until the wall was lifted. -
Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan was a initiative to aid recovery in Europe after WW2. The plan was to send money to help rebuild Europe and recover its economics. The other reason was that if Europe was on the rise then it will help the US because of lots of trading. -
NATO a treaty that forms an International Alliance spread throughout the world. It has 29 members and states that if an attack of war happens on one member it Is an act of War on the entirety of NATO. -
Soviet bomb test
The Soviet Bomb Test was in the making for years. The test signified the USSR getting Nuclear Bombs and a big equalizer in the Cold War. This also made even more fear erupt in the US. -
Hollywood 10
The Hollywood 10 is a short film where. The film consisted of each member making a short speech. the speeches where about them denouncing McCarthyism and the Hollywood blacklisting. -
Korean War
The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea. The started when North Korea invaded South Korea. the war was fought over power wants of the whole area of Korea. Eventually the US, USSR, and China were involved until peace talks started. -
Eisenhower’s Massive Retaliation Policy
The Eisenhower’s Massive Retaliation Policy is a plan that if attacked the US would attack with a bigger force. It is like you hit us we hit back bigger like with japan after Pearl Harbor. It is a way to say don't mess with us again, and warn others never to. -
Khruschev Takes Over
The Khrushchev Takes over was when Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev took over the Soviet Union. Khrushchev was responsible for de-Stalinization and progress of the early Soviet space program. -
Army-McCarthy Hearings
The Army-McCarthy hearings were held by the US Senate to see if preferential treatment was being used. The hearing were a lot about how its bad to be a communist and they are the enemy and cant be trusted, and that there may be risks in the army. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was a treaty between a lot of Eastern Europe. The treaty was east Europe's NATO. It made a more balance of power in east Europe. -
Hungarian Revolution
The Hungarian Revolution was a when the the people of Hungary revolted against the USSR and Communism. it stated after a protests when wrong it lasted several moths in the end the Soviet Union won and had control Hungary. -
U2 Incident
The U2 Incident was when a US plane was on a aerial reconnaissance in Soviet territory and was shot down. It had been covered up by the US. Then the Soviet Union said it was a lie and and they showed proof with the black box and the pilot they captured. it feather worsened relations and was a big embarrassment to the US. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
The Bay of Pigs invasion was a secret invasion of Cuba by the US from the CIA. They had hoped to overthrow the growing communist government. The mission failed within three days, by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces under direct command of Castro. -
Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was a wall built by the USSR separating west and east Berlin Germany. the Wall was built because the USSR feared the influence that the US,UK, and France had and would take there people and have a capitalism uprising. It was eventually opened over the greater fear of retaliation by the US. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was when the USSR stated putting nuclear weapons and bases in Cuba. it had put all country on a high alert and was the closest thing to a full nuclear war that happened. After everyone almost killing each other both sides back down knowing if a nuclear war started it would kill everyone. -
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was a proxy war between the US and USSR. It was a war that was elongated dude to other people not the Vietnam people. It was a very controversial was and lead to a lot of bad things. -
Detente Under Nixon
Detente Under Nixon was the slow easing of tensions in Europe. it was a lessening of tensions between the East and West. also reform in the Soviet Union. To end of communism in Eastern Europe and eventually the Soviet Union altogether. -
The Reagan Doctrine
The Reagan Doctrine was a plan to overwhelm and end the USSR's influence. It was attempt to end the Cold War. The United States provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist resistance movements, it happened in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. -
Reagan’s Berlin Wall Speech
The Reagan’s Berlin Wall Speech was a call for peace. The Speech happened in front of the Berlin Wall where Reagan said if you want peace it can happen and to start by lowing the wall. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Fall of the Berlin Wall was the start of the end of the cold war. it signaled a time to start conversation and to rebuild. it was the start to the end.