1200px flag of spain (1931–1939).svg

2nd Spanish Republic

  • january 1930

    january 1930
    Jose Antonio Primo de Riverapresent his resignation to Alfonso XIII due to a series of health problems
  • August 1930

    August 1930
    In August of 1930, socialist and republican parties meet at San Sebastian to overthrow the monarchy. Then they will establish a democratic republican regime
  • 12 April 1931

    12 April 1931
    The king call to elections. It was understood like a referendum on the monarchy. The monarchies won the elections, but in the important cities like Madrid, the win was of the republicans
  • 14 April 1931

    14 April 1931
    The 14 of April pf 1931 the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed. Then, the revolutionary commities becomes the provisional government
  • June 1931

    June 1931
    Ther were elections in the constituent assembly to choose the parties to lead the republic. As the result of these elections, the winners were PSOE and PRR. In this constitution there were some modernist ideas such as the popular soverignty, the division of powers, the declaration of the civil and collective rights and statues of autonomy